Liberator pve

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Liberator pve

Post by Shas_ »

Pve Liberator. All you need to know.

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Two versions with their own field of use. Meta Liberator is S tier aoe healing. MAC Lib trades some aoe healing for Warchanter absorbs.

We want to apply lasting effects with the right buffs- then let them unfold and work passively.
This turns us into a walking tranquility zone with the only concern being to have everyone in your range.
Name of the game is to supercharge lasting effects into 100k hot ticks and then layer those ontop of each other for faster tickrates.
Also, trust in your hots and don't suddenly panic spam direct heals. Refresh hots frequently/early and properly.

META Liberator
Max aoe healing power. Full heal over time+ passive ticks keeps your hands free. Positive Reaction gets juiced to the max and acts like a second healer.

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Legendaries: Extraordinary Care | Liberation Treatment | Medical Facility | I'm with you! | Skyfall
Metabuffs.jpg (5.49 KiB) Viewed 159 times
Buff Deep Breaths, Positive Reaction and Aegis of Advocacy on yourself. Fluid Movements is quite important!

How to use it
The whole point of the build is to have Positive Reaction on yourself as well as keeping your Eternal weapon buff - and instances of Liberation Treatment running at all times.
Focus on refreshing your hots with the eternal bonus and trust in your hots.
Do not ‘’spam’’ your buttons while the eternal weapon is not running. You will refresh important heal over time effects with no bonus. This can cause you to struggle with healing many seconds later.
Rather wait for 100 power and use a Deep Breaths early than running out on some 80 power.
Legendary Liberation Treatment ‘’+3% healing taken’’ part will re- loop your 43k Eternal Bonus and unlocked healing % as long as you apply the hot with your Eternal running.
Needless to say, infusing ANY received healing tick, no matter how tiny it’s base value is with +42k and a lot of bonus % is what makes Liberator so good.
Ideally you keep it up at least on yourself. Better on ~3 people.
More details with the macros:

Use Jolt and any of your healing spells ONLY with your Eternal activated!
Buffing it without Eternal bonus leaves them ticking 10k instead of 500k.
10-20k hots of course can not heal through Azranel missiles etc.

#0 Positive Reaction on yourself and nobody else

#show Positive Reaction
cast @self Positive Reaction

#1 Fallback- button which automatically manages your main hots. Rather than a one button healer, see this as a fallback button that will always cast the right things.

#show Extraordinary Care
cast Deep Breaths
cast @self Stand Tall!
cast @self Corrective Measures
cast @self Mass Casualty Response
cast @self Extraordinary Care
cast @self Quick Remedy
cast @self I'm with you!
cast @self Liberation Treatment
cast Jolt
cast Break Free
cast Fading Light

Rather than blindly ‘’spamming’’ them. Carefully watch your Eternal buff and it's uptime. Losing the eternal buff can leave you with 10k healing ticks and your pants down for a longer while.
If anyone dies under your protection it’s 99% your fault for having heals tick on 10k instead of 100k by refreshing important hots without any bonus earlier.
Your hots last 12-21 seconds. Plenty of time to ensure Eternal uptime before overwriting them.
Most effective playstyle is to wait for full power- go with a Deep Breath - and continue refreshing hots a second later.

Also: This build is 100% hot based. Do not chase direct heal spam. Most hots will tick when being reapplied. Really make sure you apply them with the most juice possible- it will make everything easier- and give you plenty of freedom for cleanses, spotheals and Ameriolate.
As you may guess, we do NOT use Group Assistance and Deliverance. They can heal alot- but that is one chunk every 1.5 seconds. The chance of them healing at the exact moment when you need them is incredibly low. Mass Casualty Response with 3 stacks and your Eternal Weapon already heals for at least as much while being at a 1 sec gcd.
Right after using Deep Breaths, Liberation Treatment is your cheapest ability and may be refreshed by default without paying extra attention!

^ ALOT of time went into perfecting this 1# Fallback Button. Apply Fluid Movements.
Then simply start hammering this button. You will notice how it perfectly uses Liberation Treatment after Deep Breaths and a followup Deep Breaths only at the last second of your Eternal!

#2 Prolonged Recovery at self (just to have it extra)

#show Prolonged Recovery
cast Deep Breaths
cast @self Stand Tall!
cast Jolt
cast @self Prolonged Recovery
cast @self I'm with you!

#3 Emergency group save (Desperate last resort). Big chunks of aoe healing.
For when everyone takes alot of damage and you did not have the chance to properly set up your hots beforehand. you may never use it but rather have it than not have it :)

#show Medical facility
cast Medical Facility
cast @self Deliverance
cast Extraordinary care
cast Group Assistance
cast @self Stand tall!
cast Jolt

The play style:

You may simply target yourself, and be in range of everyone.
Positive Reaction can tick incredibly quick- but only if someone takes damage. Though unimpressive in dry tests, it quickly raises to be your top healing done.
With soft aoe damage coming itn, Positive Reaction may already out- heal a Chloromancer. On heavy damage, it can rescue the most endangered allies, even everyone out and have your raw aoe chunks like Extraordinary Care top everyone up.

-> Never let your Eternal run out. Use Deep Breaths in combat on 3-1 sec uptime left.
-> Hots > direct heals. Only excuse is I’m With you!. 1x I’m With you! and 3x Mass Casualty Response over 4 sec is simply far better than 2xGroup Assistance 1x Deliverance over 4.5 sec.

If you want to be fancy, you can also keep up Prolonged Recovery/ Dichotomy of Pain (1 point is fine) onto someone. Simply extra single targets heal over time effects for faster tickrates.
metaliblol.png (67.71 KiB) Viewed 159 times
You will notice Positive Reaction taking a normalally high role in your overhealing but will be your #1 active healing ability.
M A C Liberator
Slower aoe healing traded for Warchanter st absorptions.

Mactree.jpg (273.24 KiB) Viewed 159 times
Similar game like Meta Lib but now your active Chanter st heals step in to trigger Positive Reaction. (It is greatly inferior in producing raw aoe healing and Positive Reaction ticks!. If st absorb is not needed, use Meta Lib!)

I was seeing quite a lot of M A C Liberators with the Void Knight Void buff. This is a version, outdated for 4 years now!
Get the proper one here
What’s the update?
We now use 4 points into Warlord. It allows us to use the buff Recovery Posture. Any non- finisher now procs heals onto yourselves- which will support Positive Reaction.
This also makes Sergeant’s Order into a taunt, able to ‘’snack stacks’’ on Itrop's last boss or simply control mobs to play into your support role.
M A C is designed for Itrop last boss but can also help bringing poorly geared people through tdnm.

Legendaries: Extraordinary Care | Liberation Treatment | Deliverance | I'm with you! | (whatever)

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How to use it

- Apply Positive REaction onto yourself.
- Apply Liberation Treatment on yourself, idealy ca 3 people while your Eternal is running.
- Use Macro #1 while targeting someone you want to protect.

I’m With you! generates 3 combo points while Prolonged Recovery/ Mass Casualty Response weave in very well with We won’t Falter!
This lets you apply st absorptions and aoe hots at the same time.

Target or Focus-target your tank and mainly use #1. For more st healing focus, use #2
Macro Translator for german

#1 aoe hot spammer

#show Mass Casualty Response
cast Deep Breaths
cast @focus Extraordinary Care
cast @self Extraordinary Care
cast @focus We Stand United!
cast @self Mass Casualty Response
cast @focus Quick Remedy
cast I'm with you!
cast @focus I'm with you!
cast @self Stand Tall!
cast @focus Liberation Treatment
cast @focus We'll Get Through This!
cast Break Free
cast Fading Light

#2 st hot spammer

#show Prolonged Recovery
cast @focus Extraordinary Care
cast @self Extraordinary Care
cast @focus We Stand United!
cast @focus Prolonged Recovery
cast @self Mass Casualty Response
cast @focus Quick Remedy
cast I'm with you!
cast @self I'm with you!
cast @focus Liberation Treatment
cast @focus We'll Get Through This!

Those may be the only buttons you need.
The only difference is Prolonged Recovery vs Mass Casualty Response.
Being a 1 point finisher stacking up to 3 times as single target and aoe version. Ideally you keep up both.

#3 Liberation Treatment @tank

#show Liberation Treatment
cast @focus Liberation Treatment

Mass Rescue and Ameliorate as aoe cd's

When you don't have a focus target, the @focus macros will use your active target.

You have two options to use your Positive Reaction with this version!

Option 1: Put it on yourself. Even while switching targets and ‘’spamming’’ a lot of Chanter absorptions, Recovery Posture and your aoe hots will splash it not only onto your team but also onto your Tank, effectively being your own Defi heal.

Option 2: On the tank. This is viable on Arakhurn, last boss in Itrop. Here, you want to have absorptions active on only one priority target at all times, but need more spontaneous aoe splash healing- now splashing off your tank. Also, when you taunt Arakhurn (more to that below), Positive Reaction can now splash back onto yourself while taunting.
Mac Lib.jpg
What are we looking at? Positive Reaction overhealing% vs active healing%
The priority is:
- 1 feeding overheals into Positive Reaction
- 2 Keep Chanter absorbs stacken on priority
- 3 Splash aoe hots

Snacking Stacks as MAC Lib:

Only practical use is Itrop's last boss. Since only ca. 9 stacks on the mt become dangerous, we do not need to go hard on the tanking aspect. Also, expect to not ‘’hold aggro’’. Your healing may be enough to have your taunt just actively tank, but full 61 Tanks may just get the boss back after the 4 seconds.
As a result, we want to use our 4 seconds taunt exactly when the boss applies its stacks. You will need to take 2 consecutive stacks in order to make them run out on the maintank.
Your taunt timing is, when the debuff is at the 54th second on the main tank.
-> Communicate before the pull that you will grab stacks if they get too high
-> Communicate with your tank when you are going to grab them (lots of time to even write behind the hiding stone)
-> Apply some We won’t Falter absorptions onto yourself beforehand,
Use Sergeant's Order and start
-> Use Sergeant's Order when the debuff is at the 54th second
-> Use the default button while targeting the boss/ yourself now
Arakhurn usually applies 3 stacks between each hiding phase. Ideally you take number 2 and 3 to have the timings right. But your main tank definitely should taunt back before hiding.

General Liberator notes:
A special item you want to have as Liberator:
Horn of Daclaron (Vostigar Peaks)
See the white tooltip mentioning double healing taken by healing pots etc. The potion healing taken bonus is buged and doubles the effect of ALL healing that comes from yourself. This means your selfheals are doubled and will greatly improve your relyability of Positive Reaction (most important buff).
Thanks to Vueren for sharing this.

1: Redress acts the same way as Liberation Treatment.
When you use it with your Eternal activated, everyone in your raid will get a +42k plus massive healing % bonus on ANY heal they receive for 8 seconds.
It is your strongest cooldown- but only when you pair it with rapid tick rates- by yourself or someone else.

2: Keep moving a little bit!
Rift has this weird oddity that heals which need to decide on a target (not automatically hitting everyone in your raid but the 5 closest etcpp) work a lot more reliable when you keep moving a little bit. Especially with someone running for Azranel missiles, walking around yourself can make the difference between the right person receiving Positive Reaction ticks or someone dying right next to you. This is the case for any healer.
Since you may solo heal a lot on Liberator, getting those ticks on target on time is quite important.

3: We unlock Precision Strikes, extending all heal over time effects by 6 seconds. Your default hots are now 21 second uptime, Jolt is 12 sec- but also Liberation Treatment’s legendary bonus lasts for 36 seconds. DEfinitely and absolutely prioritize applying your abilities with the Eternal weapon running and rather stop pressing something to refresh Deep Breaths than ruining the next 15-20 seconds with heals ticking for 10k instead of 300k!

4: Can't stress this enough: We do NOT farm overheal/ second. We pursuate QUALITY heal over time effects to allways have something ticking for high amounts to have our team heales instantly. We do not spam direct heals like Group Assistance of Deliverance. The chance for those to hit the very moment someone needs healing are so unrelyable you may aswell press nothing.
Refresh hots with active eternal, de sync your heal over time effects from your gcd (1.5 sdec gcd vs 3 sec hot tickrates is destined to have your best htos tick all at once with a 3 second gap, literaly just delaying an action every now and then improved your healing performance more than any gear could hope to boost you.) Too many people spam an outdated MAc Lib version and wonder why people die on Azranel etc. If you have a turquise Eternal and people die in your range it's 99% your fault!
PvE Liberator stands and falls with the person playing it. BEsides the eTernal weapon it's ALL your timings! Don't believe it?
A naked Warrior heals as much as a fully geared one. the armor is just there for some minimum hp. Get your timings right!
Macro spamming is NOT healing. OHPS chasing is NOT healing. 58Lib 18 Chanter 0VK is NOT an appropriate aoe healer (and is also 100% obsolete).
Sounds drastic but it's extremely frustrating having a Warrior spamming 2mil ohps yet people stay on 10% hp for 3 seconds, begging to get healed.

This is what it looks like receiving unbuffed Liberator heals (very short clip, note the 10k ticks, run it in slow motion. Every single yellow heal should be 60k-200k there but there is basically zero healing coming in.
On the Double for +50% movement already bugged out and then the dedicated healer's- heals tick for pathetic 10k when you need him the most.

5: You have a buff called Adrenaline Overdrive, It’s basically +3% hp which you can put on anyone.
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