Why Hopo? The 'ranged one' from the two Primalist bis specs
When Hopo? Raw raid st dps, ranged, purge. Special value on super short fights (~1minute)
When not Hopo? When chaos is guaranteed
HotPot is 100% mobile. When moving, simple keep placing Flashpoint Beacon in your path. You don't have to stand in it all the time, just catch a tick at least every 5 seconds. Flashpoint has a short cooldown, is ogcd and doesn't interrupt anything you do. Though naturally it is more active than raw afk mobility, it's still fully capable of it. (More info at the bottom)
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(65 Mastery empty because: Read along)
Though Hokh has a post here already, there are some details which i'd like to go over- both streamlining and giving upwards-potential.
Our two core abilities push us towards cunning while Fury Blast gets extreme boni on higher Fury.
We want to get a balance between damage, fury-push and buff potential on the gcd's in between.
Try to stay melee for White hits and Serpent Strike (up to 7% damage!)
Ideally we want to pull with 100 Fury and Rage of the beast with 25-20 sec left @16 stacks.
Getting to- and staying on 100 Fury out of combat:
Change to any Titan build (at least 21), hit the Avatar: Ram and switch back.
THIS ONLY MATTERS if you want to fish for Ss proccs at pull for 1st FB,
Changes on the scale out of combat will not auto reset it.
Changing the scale out of combat with attacks like Scorpion pierce prepull will mess up the harmony detection and can cost you the 20% bonus from Harmony of Life. Only saving changes in the role (masteries) or changing role will re activate Harmony properly - while preserving your fury.
Changing roles is a lot smoother and reliable than Scorpion spam+2x mastery save while you would do it anyway when using the Ram.
The overall perception of Primalist's dps performance fell victim to people playing without the 20% from Harmony of Life due to Scorpion Pierce without reset procedures (costing more than starting from harmony) When in doubt or feeling under pressure, a harmony opener is super fine!
It will fit the same 2x FB into 16Rotb
Rage of the Beast Rotb:
16 stacks at 1 minute cd. Needs to be active BEFORE Fury Blast.
A manual scything Strike reduces the cd by 3sec (+1 sec gcd wait)
Using it early and the pull happening when it's on 25-20 seconds uptime left will have two Rotb buff you back2 back. (Like Paragon's Legendary Alacrity)
One Rotb can only cover 2 proper Fury Blasts. The exact timing when you put it up is not even that important. You may
1) Want to line it up with Omnox uptimes.
2) Not jinx it with buffed attacks into immune targets.
3) Use a couple SS or even Thresher's Maw to cut down on the rotb cooldown. (Having no better damage options such as itrop last behind a stone with a bird target available or for example Azranel Spins but you have a Pillar for TM, cutting down 7 sec off Rotb per use without miving the scale)
4) Be sure to have Ss up after Rotb since Rotb removes your Ss buff on activation.
5) Enjoy empowered Serpent Strikes which don't consume stacks.
Stroke of Brilliance SoB:
Can be used as every second ability and pushes 40 towards Fury.
For ideal fury/min we want to try and weave everything else in between SoB.
Only exceptions are manual Scything Strikes before Fury Blast.
Fury Blast FB:
Easily over 50% of your damage, everything is only there to buff this one. Its dot does the most damage- usually 1 dot tick= 1/2 the initial hit.
Rotb&Ss need to be up before, MW&Scald can be applied after Fb to buff it.
With 9-10 sec/ cycle, we won't prevent MW from falling off most of the time. MW stacking in under 3sec anyway and that pressure taken away as a result, we focus everything on max FB.
Molten Wave MW:
We literally only use it because of the FB dot duration as the next best option. On 2 targets you would just keep up FB on both. Most of the Fury pushing stress comes from MW. So while some people like to buff it etc i just 'get it over with quickly between 2 SoB. With its buff being @target, it can also be applied AFTER FB by nature (it stacks to full incredibly fast, Rushing to apply MW with 3 stacks of MW still up has miniscule impact.)
Legendary Scything Strike Ss:
Controversial legendary that gives a 85% bonus to the next attack. Worth spending extra attention on using it right.
Needs to be active BEFORE Fury Blast.
LEGENDARY Ss is used manually, pushes 20 fury and empowers the next attack within 3 seconds. (Serpent strike leaves it alone).
Scald & Flashpoint Beacon:
Scald debuffs for 15% damage taken @target, stacking twice. Can be applied AFTER FB.
Why Scald every FB cycle here? Only water damage to apply the 10 second +12% Crit power from Reservoir of Power.
Beacon with very short radius, stacking 10% dmg and allows for instant Scalds.
You can place Flashpoint Beacon as ogcd not consuming Rotb. If you have to move, place it in your path or at your new destination- you got ca. 6sec to catch another tick. After placing the aoe, the buff zone is immediately active. Imagine yourself as a frog and flashpoint being your bring-along-pond to keep your feet wet wherever you need to go.
Flame Walker:
You never use this as it basically stops all damage but a handy dandy sprint on short cooldown.
Basic Pruge. The +6% from two buffs removed can even be a damage gain on itrop Golems.
SoB - Expunge - SoB (procc?)- Ss - FB
#SOB (pressed a lot)
#show Stroke of Brilliance
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Savage Blow
cast [shift] Vorpal Salvo
cast Scything Strike
cast Serpent Tooth
cast Break Free
cast Fading Light
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(100 Fury, Rotb precast)
From Harmony: SoB - Scald - Scald - Ss
From Fury: Scald (Ss procc?) yes=FB | no=2nd.Scald (procc now?) yes=FB | no=Ss+FB
(FB) - SoB - MW - SoB - Scald - SoB - SB - SoB - Ss
repeat in all eternity.
With Macros:
(From Harmony)
1x #SoB
2x Scald
(80fury +20 from next Ss)
---100 Fury---
1x #Ss
2x #FB
3x #Mw
3x #SOB
repeat from Fury
If you lag badly, #MW macro sometimes ends Mw with 0.1sec SoB cd and fires Scald - SoB.
When that happens, hold shift to get to 80 fury smoothly (Scald - SoB - SB - Vorpal - SoB)
>>Split scald out of #MW for 2 separate buttons if it keeps happening every block.
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What is this all about?
You remember Legendary Scything Strike from above?
here is also NORMAL Ss: Can procc off non-PL attacks (ca. 80% chance) and has an icd of 6sec. It is supposed to buff Bloodletting by 120% but empowers EVERYTHING like L Ss.
Though it is usually a "Lucky byproduct" i'll show you how to tame it.
Every time you are at 100 Fury and our Ss COULD have procced but didn't, you rush in the off global cooldown Spiritualism. This gives a second chance to get +35% on FB and remove the need for a manual Ss.
#SOB (extra macro or add the // to the #SOB you have from above)
#show Stroke of Brilliance
cast Stroke of Brilliance
//cast Savage Blow
cast [shift] Vorpal Salvo
cast Scything Strike
cast Serpent Tooth
cast Break Free
cast Fading Light
100Fury> FB - SoB - MW - SoB - Scald - SoB >Harmony
This stays the same but we use a lot of
SoB - Ss - SoB for 100 fury and 'hope' for Ss proccs right at 100 Fury.
Vorpal will cause SoB - Vorpal 80 Fury where we either hit SoB or Ss based on our chances.
Our chances are great when Ss procced for the SoB after Fb.
Then it takes 6 seconds to reach 60 Fury with one SoB left and proccs available.
If it doesn't occour, hit the ogcd for an extra ~80% chance to get 120% (!! 35% more and a gcd less) for FB.
The video has 5/7 Spirits successful which is average. (First i had RotB macroed which had proced Ss instantly overwritten so i didn't see it properly andsued Spirit after not seing Ss for ages. then it was successful but i fatfinger used normal Ss anyway. Tldr: That video could very well had every single Spiritualism cause a normal SS. That's how reylable it can be!
If it didn't work however, it should procc within the next 3 seconds- giving it a decent followup timing to benefit you anyway.
Again: If normal Ss procced shortly before Molten Wave, you can prepare for fishing for a proc at 100 Fury.
New update:
If Ss procs after MW for Scald or ss, the timings will be way off for it to happen before FB and it would waste ss on your weakest attacks.
Then you ideally use a manual Vorpal Salvo to catch the procc inbetween two SoB.
If you replaced your Scald at -20 like that, use Scald at 60 Fury two gcds later. So it's:
MW - SoB (procc)- Vorpal - SoB - Scald - Ss - FB
This way you combine excellent use of the +120% and not waste it on the low dmg scald & ss (but a hard hitting vorpal which gets all the Vulcanist boni) additionally, you also speed up the fury push when there is no Ss to phish for next FB anyways.
Makes sense?
-> If ss procs after MW, the timing won't happen for FB anytime soon and using Vorpal that cycle won't mess up any timings. Ideally only MW, SoB and Vorpal consume the procced Ss and never Ss or MW.
I will try and see how well it works with Pressurize or other decently strong attacks. Pressurize as water damage could easily replace the need for scald in that cycle.
- What i didn't do in the Video but you can (should)do:
Use Rotb manually.
1 Roth will only cover two FB So the exact timings (and As eating one) isn't that big of a deal.
Ideally you manage to line up Rotb, Ss proccs & Omnox which then only have to crit for a 3.5mil+ dot.
Why not FB - SoB - MW - SoB - Ss - SoB - Scald - SoB (procc?)- Ss - FB
.. so we give an Ss to the SoB in true harmony?
-> L.Ss can not proc Ss. If Ss is ready to proc, L.Ss simply hands the chance over to the next non PL attack.
This means if Ss is ready at 40 Fury, we only allow its procc at 100. This effectively gives a 20% chance for Ss to line up before paying attention.
Starting on 100 Fury, fishing for an early procc and black-jacking with Spiritualism, we actively improve our odds.
(Video should have some 50% infused FB i didn't count- you should totally squeeze 5-10% out of thin air)
Easy or advanced approaches- Big losses come from Fb not critting back2back and you can do nothing about that.
Bonus for the good boys reading it all:
Your gtae telegraph will spawn a beacon model randomly around the area (around the telegraph's inner ring). But where your beacon model exactly appears has no influence on the buffs or buff radius. Only the uptime being bound to it being alive.
The Flashpoint beacon range works more like a Lava Field or Fire Storm.
It will use the original Telegraph center with a radius exactly as the Telegraph to apply buffs onto you.
If you leave the buff zone, you have to get your character's center to ''reconnect''.
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-> To 'promoting bugs with Ss'. Though it is cancer for pvp, it's the only thing keeping pve prima interesting. Inquisitor got buffed on Ss procc benchmarks so now Prima 'needs it' to stay afloat.
The name: HoPo places a water beacon on the ground which it frequently wants to dip into, then uses Scalding hot&spicy goodness.
Credits to: Hokhmah (For being awesome), Disterr (Not giving up on SB)