//WIP: Not the most elaborate writedown I ever made. I'll make the overall look more pretty and add more step by step for meta another day//
Archon. You better like it.
Comes as:
Metachon- maximum dps
Chlorochon- stupid strong heals
Why Archon? Legendary Flaring power. If raiding was a party, you bring the drinks.
When Archon? Every-single-time there are 10 people coping together. Reason to bring at least one Mage and if you are the only Mage -> Archon.
Archon basics that are expected from you:
Ashen Defense/ Crumbling Resistance | priority: Apply it onto bosses. Only your version lasts for 5 minutes each. Using Crumbling also increases your damage by 6%.
Lava Field | priority: Weak ground fire effect- after placing it, everyone deals 15% more damage for 40 seconds. Allies can not receive this kind of buff again for 5 minutes (unless dying).
This is basically the same buff as Bard's Orchestra, Oracle's Defense of the Fallen, Mystic's Uplift, Beast Master's enrage.
But since you need to go 61 Archon anyway, it will be your duty and other support don't even bring theirs.
Has a cast time by default but a mastery can make it instant.
Legendary Flaring Power | priority: Costs 60 charge but no global cooldown. After using, everyone does 20% more damage for a minute. Allies can not receive this kind of buff again for 5 minutes (unless dying- separate debuff from Lava Field)
Your Archon Auras: Burning Purpose, Vitality of Stone, Arcane Aegis, Shared Vigor.
You will just manually cast all 4 before the pull to have them last for 5 minutes. If a fight really takes longer, one tick of the Patron's Rage channel is enough to refresh all at once.
-> Buffing Burning Purpose with your low level Elemental pet active will double dip the cast time reduction for you. Archon does not have pushpback protection and Lingering Dust takes a gcd. So this is great at pull even if the pet may dies and you use Lingering later.
Minor buffs that may overwrite with an Oracle/ Bard/ Mystic:
Volcanic Bomb: Everyone does 5% more damage, mainly overwritten by Mystic's Primal Savagery
Ability has a high priority for your own damage and will get used anyway. Can be precast on the boss before Lava/ Flaring.
Granite Salvo: Flat stat buffs for everyone for 20 seconds. Bards and Oracles have a way easier time keeping this one up while their equivalent even gives +1% crit.
Only have to monitor this with no Bard/ Oracle but at that point ..
This ability can cause noticeable fluctuations on dummy-tests. Ideally, you won't use it in a fully saturated group but at the same time not sleep on it once it's needed. Better practise with it.
Chaotic tdem pug-> use it
Premade with Bard/Pseudo-> a dmg loss
(Legendary) Illuminate: Insignificant debuff for level 70. You may use the Legendary for your own damage potential through buffed Pillaging Stone casts.
Tldr: Refresh the 4 auras before the pull, Lava Field + Flaring Power up, Crumbling Resistance+Ashen Defense on the boss and you are pretty much done with your support- duties in 3 global cooldowns.
You do not have to overcomplicate this; have the 4 auras and 4 buffs up and it will last you 5 whole minutes.
Then you have all day to figure your damage/ healing.
Your Archon Bulwark- Mage armor:
1) A Primary Bolt gives the next 3 spells of the same element +100% damage. Granite Salvo= earth Primary Bolt gets you 3x earth bulwark etc.
2) Simply attacking has a chance to make 2 of your 4 support hard hits (Volcanic Bomb, Earthen Barrage, Spark Shower and Surging Flare) castable instantly and gives them +200% damage. Ergo you do not want to ''spam-cast'' those- ever.
This damage bonus also stacks with the Bulwark buff.
Chlorochon. Very easy full Archon that is able to solo heal T1:
Easier to start out with. Get your couple buffs up quick and apply one dot properly. Then there is nothing to do wrong really.
Chlorochon.jpg (272.59 KiB) Viewed 10302 times
You need a higher Eternal weapon for the healing aspect to work properly.
Your Healing completely revolves around using a Primary Bolt before Stormcaller's Living Storm.
Living Storm is not a dot but rather an effect you put on a target and then, over 16 seconds it ticks on up to 8 targets in an area (7meter) around the debuffed target. This makes it able to procc Chloromancer's Lifegiving Veil off every tick individually.
On 8 close enemies, this means 80 ticks of Lifegiving veil every second.
When Living Storm is applied with an eternal stack, every-single of those Veil ticks will be eternal-infused.
So one eternal stack buffs up to 1.280 healing ticks- 38.400.000 in Eternal bonus- off a single stack.
You only have to apply it properly every 10-15 seconds for passive full quality heals- BUT DO APPLY IT PROPERLY or your heals tick for 5k instead of 50k.
Itrop last one for example, re-apply Living Storm before hiding and have Storm heal through the whole hiding phase alone.
Your boss opener may look something like this:
Apply Radiant Spores out of combat. your Vile Spores will keep it running.
Granite Salvo precast->
Lava Field+Flaring Power - Crumbling Resistance - Ashen Defense - Living Storm
.. and that's it!
Only now we care about our personal output:
#Flava - First thing you press until Crumbling is up (then one manual Ashen Defense)
#show Lava Field
target @self
cast @gtae Lava Field
target @lasttarget
cast Crumbling Resistance
cast Flaring Power
#Procc - only when Living Storm has enough uptime left and you see the proccs popping up at your screen AND earth Bulward (From Granite Salvo) is active.
Stormcaller- Living Storm, (Thunder Shock)
Archon- Point to Point, Granite Salvo, Patron's Rage, Lingering Dust, Flowing Sand, Bloom
Chloromancer- Radiant Spores, Withering Vine, Entropic Veil (to disable)
Never ever let your Living Storm run out or apply it without an eternal stack. You can give it an air bulwark with Thunder shock for +100% damage.
Most of your attacks trigger Lifegiving Veil TWICE on impact. This comes from de-buffing Archon attacks procing the bonus damage from Burning Purpose (Even Ashen/ Crumbling, Waning Power or Lingering Dust) and Vile Spores when applying their dot.
Abilities with only a single impact: Granite Salvo, Ethereal Blast, Thunder Shock.
(Granite salvo gives less damage, less charge and less Veil ticks vs Pillaging; avoid Granite Salvo unless you want the 2500 stat buff when being the absolute only support)
If you want to stres test yourself on Chlorochon: Solo heal (literally no other heal than you, with the final Eternal weapon stage ofcourse) your Raid Rifts. Then attempt all the T1 bosses.
Can also heal carry Azranel and Isiel. (Titanx has too many switching targets and the safety dance outranges your Veil but sure it works there too)
With one target, you may do 1.5-2mil hps. With aoe targets it can reach 3-6mil hps!!) and 550k dps.
Nice & easy
-> A more advanced Chlorochon which uses heals as an afterthought, can go for LEF in Elementarist. While not needing Veil Spores at all times, Unclecrimbo pulled 720k dps with it on Azranel.
This however is hyperspecialized and more of an idea for you of what's possible. Stick to Living Storm for premium heals 99.9% of the time.
Granite precast
Lava Field+Flaring Power - Crumbling Resistance - Ashen Defense - Void Bolt - Dark Touch (proccs?) Waning Power
All abilities that matter for you:
Dark Touch/ Neddra's Grasp +12 charge. Target takes 20% more damage for 15 seconds but also has 5 decently hard hits to popp over those 15 seconds.
Your 62 mastery Healing Expertise lets your DArk touch apply Life Leech and Neddra's Grasp at once. This also makes it snapshot(benefit from but not consume) your eternal buff.
You want to give it all +100% from Death bulwark via Void Bolt. You may re-apply Dark touch every 8-12 seconds to get fresh stacks of Neddra's Grasp up.
With Archon Bulwarks lasting for 15 seconds, you can have one Void Bolt buff two Dark Touch uses.
Legendary Elemental Forces -60 charge. Off global cooldown giving 5 stacks of quad ticks, applied through other damage. Some effects (Burning Purpose, Dark touch) let you apply multiple stacks at once.
It ticks for ca 15-30k. With eternal it's 50-100k on every of the 20 ticks possible. Charge gain/ minute and only applying this with your eternal is the name of the game. It may be 30% of your total damage done.
Support hard hits:
Volcanic Bomb +20 charge- Direct earth damage with fire dot. +200% from proccs but only earth bulwark for the initial hit. However the direct- and dot portion separately take your eternal bonus, resulting in the highest damage of the 4. Also snapshots your eternal. Earthen Barrage +20 charge- Flat Earth hard hit, can fully benefit from the +200% procc and 100% earth bulwark. Second hardest hit when buffed properly. Can max hit 3.2mil+ Spark Shower +20 charge- Flat fire damage, only benefits from +200% from proccs Surging Flare +20 charge- Flat fire damage, only benefits from 200% from proccs
Extra: 65 Mastery Ethereal Blast +24 charge- though not benefiting from Proccs or Bulwark, it still hits in the range of Spark Shower, is your best charge provider and gets its cooldown reduced by cast time attacks.
Pillaging Stone +20 charge- Earth primary bolt that also proccs the burning purpose buff, giving it more effective damage and applying two LEF.
Legendary Illuminate does terrible damage by itself but any attacker on the target can give you 1 stack every 3 seconds. Each stack is +10% damage for Pillaging.
A team of 10 gets you 10-20 stacks in 3-4 seconds easily.
Granite Salvo +16 charge- Earth primary bolt that is worse than Pillaging in almost any way but: The bard buff and slightly less cast time.
Void Bolt +20 charge- Death primary bolt that is only used for death Bulwark.
Lingering Dust- Apply it to any target and get a slight cast time benefit for 5 minutes. Ideally applied onto trash before the boss. You want this because Metachon has its cast time stretched out by taking damage.
Waning Power- very weird ability that gives you +10% spell power for 15 seconds. You want to use it when you can be sure you have some hard hits for the 15 seconds but also only spend the gcd to use it when other things are on cooldowns.
With your Hardhits having 10-15 seconds, just use it when they are all on cooldown and almost guarantee to affect them all a little bit later.
Note that the charge gain of abilities also matters for their overall priority. (Draging Granite Salvo down)
The priority list is:
(Archon debuffs & cooldowns- this goes without saying)
(Priority List, not a rotation:)
1 LEF with eternal
2 The 20% damage bonus from Neddras
3 Volcanic Bomb with procc, earth bulwark and eternal
4 Earthen Barrage with procc, earth bulwark and eternal
5 Ethereal Blast - eternal is nice but it's very self sufficient
6 5 Neddra's Touch stacks with death Bulwark and eternal
7 Spark Shower with procc and eternal
8 Surging Flare with procc and eternal
9 Pillaging Stone as filler. But you still want to use them as every second ability.*
10 Try to apply Lingering dust, Illuminate, Void Bolt, Waning Power only in this priority , when Pillaging has low Illuminate stacks.
Easy enough, right?
#Flava - opener package- follow it by an Ashen Defense
#show Lava Field
target @self
cast @gtae Lava Field
target @lasttarget
cast Crumbling Resistance
cast Flaring Power
Ashen Defense
Crumbling Resistance
Granite Salvo
Pillaging Stone
Point to Point
Patron's Rage
Lingering Dust
Flowing Sand
Mental Flare - (Outdated team support for mana hungry 58 Eles and Druids)
A proper Metachon is not a thing you casually pick up in a day. Just use it, use it, use it - untill the opener comes out blind and the priority intuitively.
I think you even have to have used it for a while to take value from a guide. Every second is a new decision to make. But i also refuse to promote ''spam macros'' wtf is even that. Get your buffs up and you have 5 whole minutes just for yourself to find your style. Alot of things on Metachon done differently result in pretty comparable overall results. differences in the priority list etc. A Lot to customize here- with time.