Windymay@Brisesol tried to learn Pl and casually figured that Thresher's Maw refreshes Ethereal Corruption. Disterr confirmed that it is in fact Morbid Slash itself, the animation simply hits over a second later. In any case, Ethereal Corruption changes the whole game. We can finally shelf Bear's Fury and never look back.
If you already know Melee PL, this one will be extremely easy to update. If you never did Melee Pl, this one will be way easier to learn. (less macros and attention required etc)
To understand what's the game changer here:
Old PL melee had Bear's Fury.
- It's damage is mediocre.
- It's another ogcd which demands a lot of attention and makes lags even worse.
- To get the most out of Bear's Fury it demans EXTRA attention while not even reaching 10% total dps.
Bear's Fury simply does less damage than Ethereal Corruption while demanding 2 useless points into PL to unlock. Ontop, BF is a terrible scaler. I was in a random RR with a bard and Corruption already ramped up to 400k ticks.
To get double tickrate for Bear's Fury, you have to play with Bloodletting, which does almost a 10th of the damage of Vorpal Salvo, also removing the option to properly catch normal SS procssince BL+Us only give 90Fury; effectively running break even.
This terrible performance already includes Bear's Fury stealing Ss procs off Stroke of Brilliance!
While playing with Bloodletting you may aswell run 28Pl which costs you a 6% (!!!) Dexterity bonus and BF may still not reach 10% dmg.
Tldr: It demands tons of attention, makes the rotation more complicated and the whole build more perceptive to lags.
We simply apply Ethereal Corruption once and have it afk active for ca 5% dmg done until all eternity.
Less complicated button layout, more SoB value, better stat scaling, more passive boni for all other attacks, Ethereal Dot which keeps ticking through Azranel's Defensive Spin.
I present one version for continuing melee st uptime and one classic but terribly neglected ''melee cleave'' with short burst cds; useable for sta and aoe.
Both celebrating their independence from shitty Bear's Fury.
Melee20.png (901.33 KiB) Viewed 8475 times
(Disterr with the 1.7m)
Fresh new Melee Primal Lord with Corruption for raw Single target dps
Pl20.jpg (216.44 KiB) Viewed 8475 times
The 62 Mastery Totemic Power is key to reset Corruption.
The 61 Mastery Exhileration is funny since Ethereal Corruption has melee range (3 meter) but is not a melee ability. So the +5 meter from the mastery now gives it 8meter rage, perfect to apply as first spell on pull)
Buffs: Font of Bloodlust | Font of Wit
#FB - this is a 8sec dot. We want to only use it on 100 Fury and with a Scything Strike bonus active. Ideally you press this one twice and take the SoB following it every time.
#show Fury Blast
cast Serpent Tooth
cast Fury Blast
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast @lasttarget Stroke of Brilliance
#MW - Molten Wave This is a dot buffing your Fury Blast and pushing towards Cunning. Press it twice for MW and Morbid Slash (Melee!!) until 100 cunning.
#TM - Thresher's Maw is an extreme hard hit with huge boni from 100 cunning. It also reduces the cooldown of Rage of the Beast by a lot and quickly puts you back into harmony.
#show Thresher's Maw
//cast Rage of the Beast
cast Panther Claw
cast Thresher's Maw
#US - Underworld Shards give +60Fury. Before that we perfectly use SoB at true harmony. 100 Fury in 2 gcds. Use this to quickly get your fury for Fury Blast. If you are lacking Melee range, it will use a Vorpal Salvo for +40 Fury.
#SS Scything Strike. Low power ranged attack with +20 Fury which increases the next attack by 85%. The gcd cost is too high to use this for any other attack but Fury Blast.
Also on your bar:
Ethereal Corruption
Rage of the Beast
Vapor Rush
OPIONAL prepull:
Switch to anything with 21 titan. Use the Primal Avatar: Ram to get 100 fury which will never reset. Switch back to Melee PL. This allows us to start from 100 fury.
(Scorpion Pierce spam can also grant fury which does not get reset but it can make Harmony of Life (20%!!) bug out and ends in just more effort vs switching specs.)
Use Rage of the Beast early. It has a 1 minute cool down (Reduced by Ss and TM) and only 16 stacks.
So in theory RotB is already used up in 16 seconds, able to only affect two FB, use it early and have it's cool down running already. With good timing you can have two RotB active back to back, which gives you extreme boni for the first minute.
^ Using RotB early is very easy to do and has no downsides so better get used to it.
From Harmony: Get to 100 Fury and use Ethereal Corruption.
From 100 Fury: Vapor Rush to the target and use Ethereal Corruption. With some luck this already procs normal Scything Strike.
Proc: Yes-> #FB macro. No-> #SS macro then #FB macro. (Use the Spiritualism ogcd to get a second chance to procc it!)
We expect to use this macro twice every time so it should catapult you straight back to the middle of the Harmony scale and SoB will push you for +40 Fury.
40 Fury is perfect for Molten wave. We hit #MW twice for Molten Wave and Morbid Slash
100 Cunning is perfect for Thresher's Maw. We hit #TM once and should be at 0 Harmony.
We now use #US twice for Stroke of Brilliance and Underworld Shards, giving us 100 Fury.
We are back at 100 Fury after 8 seconds. Fury Blast just ran out and is ready to be used again.
Start from the top with Ss proc: Proc: Yes-> #FB macro. No-> #SS macro then #FB macro
Ol' reliable Melee Cleave with Beacon
This trades some St dps % for powerful aoe cool downs.
You would think that it is more situational but Beacon of the Drake can also push st dps (when done right)
So it turns into your Shaman equivalent, being used in Casual Tdem, DRR runs etc.
Melee cleave.jpg (218.94 KiB) Viewed 8475 times
Buffs: Font of Bloodlust | Font of Wit
Literaly the same as in Melee PL with Ethereal Corruption. We only add:
#Drake: 1 minute cool down, summons a beacon around your target. Beacon of the Drake fully benefits from Rage of the Beast and Scything Strike
You may already see how this one can contribute a lot even on TitanX
St dps is quite literaly the very same as Melee Pl but without Ethereal Corruption.
How to use Beacon of the Drake: Ideally you want Rage of the Beast stacks available, then wait for a normal Ss procc, interrupt the rotation, place your beacon and continue. Procced SS gives +120%, manually used SS costs a gcd and only gives +85%.
Beacon of the Drake hits for A LOT and can skyrocket your St dps on short fights.
It ticks 8 times onto 8 targets over 15 seconds and can do ~4-6mil per target if you buffed it correctly and placed it in a spot where it has maximum effect.
If you need extra aoe, you can use Ancestral Force with the same Rotb+Ss procc buffs on top.
Example opener:
(Rage of the Beast pre pull)
Stroke of Brilliance > Ss proc-> Beacon of the Drake > Underworld Shards > Scything Strike > Fury Blast > etcpp
Important tricks for both versions:
1) Fury Blast > molten Wave. Always try to open with Fury Blast. If you have two targets to attack, just push fury and keep up Fury Blast on two targets, don't bother with molten Wave and cunning.
2) Ss Procs: normal SS, which gives 35% more bonus than the manual SS can proc with a ca. 80% chance and then has a 6 second icd. This makes it pretty reliable to appear every 6-8 seconds. My Kalert set has a big alert for it. (See reference image)
Kalert set: This includes all my Primalist alerts including Hot Pot, just use it as Melee PL set.