Yo, if you're looking for a casual PVP guild on Seastone, <Skilfingar> is where it's at. Please contact Jegodin@Seastone or Shotts@Seastone. We PVP multiple times throughout the week, normally at peak hours since this normally when Warfronts are popping. We've also been known to stir up a little World PVP and raid some capitols just for fun. We're willing to give advice on the best way to gear up and the best gear to use in Warfronts. We very rarely raid or do PVE content unless it gets us some gear for PVP, but I personally will do PVE content to get raid gear since it's best for world PVP.
We also run the un-official PVP discord you can find here https://discord.gg/Dz5QFGHQ
Come join us if you're looking to have some casual PVP fun and hang out with some chill people.
Re: Skilfingar
Best way to gear up for PvP eh? I have a suggestion, don't include any PvE gear in that advice...Mmmmk thx <3