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[4.5] The Pseudo support

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:28 pm
by Hokhmah
Copy/Paste from my original forum guide.

Hello everyone,
I'm here today with another spec i worked on a while ago.

What's this spec ?

So , the spec is a sort of support, that still deal a very decent amount of dps. It require to be melee , but can still be played when you are at range , however it won't be that powerfull. Don't use this spec over an archon , it's not a support. The spec is made to be used as long as an archon , it have a really nice dps and provide to the raid a nice dps buff.

Why would you play this ?

This spec can bring to your raid some damage buff that archon can't bring , like Wild Storms and Primal Savagery.

Where can you use it ?

Pretty much on every boss where you can be melee and for a better raid buffing , it's better to use it when everyone is packed. (like first BoS boss for exemple)

What's the soul tree?!b8 ... /Rm1g|_vPg

Legendaries are :
- Font of Bloodlust
- Scything Strike
- Primal Savagery
- Molten Wave
- Fury Blast

How to play the spec :

Buffs :
- Font of Bloodlust
- Primal Savagery
- Font of Wit

Macros :

Fury macro
#show Living Armor
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast Living Armor
cast Scything Strike

Cunning macro
#show Tailwind
cast Tailwind
cast Aerial Boon
cast Bind Life/Air Lash

SS macro
#show Scything Strike
cast Scything Strike

Fury Blast macro

#show Fury Blast
use Reliquary of Rage
cast Fury Blast
cast Serpent Tooth

Opener :

Start at 100 fury,
Precast Forced Apathy or Living Armor
SS -> FuryBlast macro -> Fury macro 1 time -> Molten Wave -> Cunning macro -> Thresher's Maw -> Fury macro 1 time -> Savage Blow -> Fury macro 1 time -> SS -> FuryBlast macro -> Fury macro 1 time -> Molten Wave -> Cunning macro -> Thresher's Maw

Rotation :

Fury macro 1 time -> Savage Blow -> Fury macro 1 time -> SS -> Fury Blast -> Fury macro 1 time (40 fury) -> Molten Wave -> Cunning macro till 100 cunning -> Thresher's Maw
Repeat this block until you go back to harmony after a MW meaning neither of your Tailwind or Aerial boon is ready. Then skip the last thresher and start again.

Priorities :
1 - Keep Molten Wave at 3 stacks
2 - Keep Harmony of life buff
3 - Use Fury Blast at 100 fury with procced or legendary SS
4 - Refresh Savage Blow at 2sec , keep it at 2 stack
5 - Refresh Air Lash

Thanks for reading , sorry if there are some mistake , english isn't my first language
Hope you'll like the spec , fell free to improve it , adjust it for yourself , and give feedback !
Have a nice day guys !

Change a bit the tree and the rotation , thank to Primaschreiber who help me for this

Edit (22/06/2018):
Change a bit the rotation we don't use forced apathy anymore , archon do it better. We also don't use Hurricane Breach anymore too , so we don't overwrite archon debuff.
Also change the mastery 64 from Elemental affinity to Heavy handed, it give me an overall boost of 80k dps.
To sum up : more dps and more archon friendly change.

Edit (28/06/2018):
I change the skill tree : In mystic i moved 1 point from Tainted Wind to 3/3 in Lifegiving Gusts , so we don't refresh Bind life/Air lash too often , and use the saved gcd for our most powefull abilities.
In Primal lord spec , i moved 1 point from Sea and Skies to Burning Bloodlust, so we gain 20% more damage to our Thresher's Maw.
I also took off Serpent Tooth out of the SS macro , since sometimes it was using the SS buff for it , and not for FB.
Also change the parse since i now can break the 1.3 million dps with this spec, and add a picture of my stats too.

Edit (12/07/2017):
Eternal stacking buff change hit primalist a bit. I've change the Lvl 65 mastery from Spiritualism to Savage Blow. Spiritualism was getting eternal buff , but not anymore , so it's a dps gain to use Savage blow now. Because of this i also change a bit the rotation to fit Savage Blow in it. We also don't use Vorpal salvo or Living Armor thanks to Savage blow getting in the rotation , so we don't need to use BindLife anymore. BindLife and Air lash also don't benefit from eternal buff anymore. In total , we loose 50k dps after rotation change and everything , it's not that big , and it still do a decent amount of dps for a "support" spec.