Starting a Primalist & level 1-70

Guides and Discussion for the Primalist calling
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Starting a Primalist & level 1-70

Post by Shas_ »

So you want to be a Wildling
Target audience: New to Rift or never played a Primalist.
Primalist is bad as a first character!
Though i expect you to know how movement, combat, camera etc works.

Core mechanics to consider:

Primalist can only use 2h weapons.
You won't use your ranged weapon for anything.
Primalist uses smaller soul trees with less points.
It has a 1 second gcd by default and almost all casts are 1 second as well.
Restrictions come from a +100/- 100 scale which gets pushed by- and in return buffs your abilities.

Comprehensive game info for total beginners: ... er-guides/

Sidekick and Mentoring (temporarily adjust your level for free stats)

Character creation

Pick any preset.
We can change our specialization right after entering the game.
Race and Faction have no impact on a level 70 Primalist. High Elves and Bahmi have a leap which can be useful in open world exploration.
-> Don't get too caught up with the sliders in the character creator. All it's settings + a credit race swap are available in the in-game barber shop.
Rather make sure you like the animations and overall feel and don't hesitate to try some races/ genders before settling.
You 100% will change something on the appearance in the barber shop later on anyway.

Level 1 - A legend in the making - Rookie Blast

The approach presented below has the goal to be interesting, have frequent new tools and mechanics unlocked and have you learn game fundamentals with great performance results.
Speed level hacks may do a thing or two 'faster' but nothing of it has any value or reason.
This is something that presents the whole class with mechanics that are actually used in the current game.
For Primalist this means learning patience and resisting all urges to mindlessly spam - you really want to be in control of what you are pressing and not be caught off guard.
We will start with a Pizza-delivery speedy air- Vulcanist and carry through with a Vulcanist-Primal Lord, learning Fury Blast from level 1.

Press the middle icons marked in red to get a drop down menu, select Mystic, Dervish and Vulcanist into those slots.
Prima 1.jpg
Prima 1.jpg (8.76 KiB) Viewed 411 times
You will have a popup warning like this. This looks dramatic but it only warns you that you disable the preset autopilot now. We do want this, so hit okay.
Prima 23.jpg
Select the 3 souls like here (exact position in the 3 sets not relevant). Put your first point into Vulcanist Furious Power like shown here and hit SAVE on the bottom right, then close.
Prima 2.jpg
You are able to customize your interface by default. Hit escape- interface and play around a little if you like.
Write /exportui and look for a confirming message in the chat- to create a backup in case you delete this character for another race etc.

Level 1-2 - Getting used to your Scale!

After setting your Soul Trees, hit P (default) to access spells. You will have 3 tabs named after the 3 souls used. Each has its respective abilities which you can drag onto your hotbar.
You want:
Vulcanist- Fury Blast
Dervish- Lashing Wind
Mystic- Forced Apathy, Bind Life/ Ari Lash

Your most powerful endgame spell, Fury Blast- is available from level 1 and allows us to discover multiple aspects of your Primalist- ressource.

Fury Blast can always be used without a cooldown or costs. However it will move your Scale 40 towards cunning.
It itself wants to be used in fury to leave a POWERFUL dot.
Try this on your first mob: Use either the Forced Apathy 1sec cast (Mystic) or Lashing Wind (Dervish) to get +40 Fury and follow up into Fury Blast then LEAVE THE MOB ALONE and watch.
Both may hit for 30-35 While the Fury Blast dot alone ticks for 30 and secures the kill.
Forced Apathy/ Lashing Wind + Fury Blast is enough to kill almost all mobs in the starter zone in 2 swings (on default starter gear)

-> The scale movement as well as scale position when activating spells is your bread and butter.
Your scale will have a slider indicate your current standing.
Additionally it glows in combat and your character portrait will have a visual change depending on 'as what general state your scale counts at the moment'.
This can best be discovered with the 0 Mystic Bind Life/ Air Lash:
You generally have 3 different stats. Fury, Harmony and cunning. Only a few spells care about *how much* fury/ cunning is available.

Lvl 3 - Molten Wave!

We may now have A LOT to talk about at once but this will also be the only info dump of this kind.
Definitely take the time, mechanics touched now will carry on throughout the game.

First, Macro up!
Macros can be used like default spells with automated effects. A Rift macro will try to use the highest listed ability and only touch an ability further down if everything above is unavailable while you press it.
Spells with a //cast infront have this double slash since they are not unlocked by now and it's easier for you to remove slashes than to copy new macros with minor changes. Simply remove the ' //' when you have them unlocked later!

#Default - this simply has all spells which grant +40 Fury in the same button.

#show Lashing Wind
//cast [notactive] Zephyr
//cast Vorpal Salvo
//cast @lasttarget Vorpal Salvo
cast Lashing Wind
cast @lasttarget Lashing Wind
cast Forced Apathy
cast @lasttarget Forced Apathy
cast Seismic Smash
//cast Stroke of Brilliance

#MW - Your new Molten Wave. Button will try to generate Fury until Mw is cast-able. (all details below). Basically your default macro but with a channel activating when the Scale is above 40 Fury.

#show Molten Wave
//cast [notactive] Zephyr
cast Molten Wave
//cast Vorpal Salvo
//cast @lasttarget Vorpal Salvo
cast Lashing Wind
cast @lasttarget Lashing Wind
//cast Stroke of Brilliance
//cast @lasttarget Stroke of Brilliance
cast Forced Apathy
cast @lasttarget Forced Apathy
cast Seismic Smash

Secondly, Molten Wave and Fury values:

Now this gets interesting. Molten Wave cannot be used until you have at least 40 Fury. Once you have 40-100 Fury available, it can channel 3 frontal blasts for 3 seconds and moves the scale 100 towards cunning on activation.
Molten Wave is so strong that it seamlessly transitions between being a single- and multitarget powerhouse.
You debuff the target each second, giving the second tick 125% and last tick 150% damage.
Min max note: Your last Mw tick will be fired off with ca. 10% channel time left. You can clip the channel right as the last tick gets released- time that may add up.

Molten Wave has a rather large area to hit targets which looks something like this:
It's 3 waves will separately fire in the direction which your character is facing at that moment. You can turn- but not move while blasting.
Your main rotation and gameplay unlocks right at level 3! Enough time to get into it.
Primalist abilities push your scale +/-0 to +/-120, though all relevant specs run a 20, 40, 60, 100 system, giving you only multiples of 20 to worry about.

3 Approaches for you to try:

1) Alternate Fury Blast and Molten Wave - best learn effect
0 +40 +40 -40 -100 +60 +40 QUICK MATHS
#Mainx2 - Fury Blast - #MW (channel 3 sec) - Air Lash - #Mainx1- Fury Blast - #MWx2 etc pp

2) Only MW - best value vs effort
Either keep pressing only the #Mw macro for 5 default hits per 2 MW OR go #Mwx2- Air lash - #Mwx2

3) Only FB - lazy and bad
FB without the dot already hits pretty decently. Though you will do less damage. However this gives a decent emergency 'instant ranged spammer'. Two Air lash or waiting 20 seconds out of combat will move you out of cunning already.
FB without dot effect will not remove an active FB dot.
See the cunning side of your scale as 'debt' which you have to pay off somehow before getting the good hits like MW again.

-> Notice how you take quite a bit of damage once mobs get to attack you.
I want you to be effective with your scale and your positioning to get high damage on target and not rely on slow afk selfheal spammers.
Whole point of this is for you to already pick up proper Primalist gameplay with very good output.
If you REALLY need some healing, switch 0 Mystic for 0 Preserver, channel some Naturalize on yourself and switch back to 0 Mystic.
All the Vulcanist hustle represents a (proper) max level Primalist: Calm and controlled scale dancing.

-> If you hate the scale system already, try another class. Vulcanist will not go away.

SO MANY MECHANICS ALREADY ON LVEL 3 HOLY FUCK - don't worry we now layed almost all the groundwork.

5 points Titan and Titanic Spirit+ Font of Retaliation has you procc self heals on successful blocks. This is so broken that one procc more than fully heals yourself on low-mid levels.
But: It costs a lot of damage =time - and how often do you really need to fully heal when you can as well aoe oneshot.

Lvl 3-16 - Professional Pizza delivery boy!4/!0m28/Rg

Start filling 2/4 Furious Power to get Molten Wave
Keep spending into Dervish like here to get Zephyr

Remove the // from Zephyrs in your macros once you have it.

Zephyrs is a flat 20% run speed for you with no cost or downsides. But it's a toggle so that macro command just makes sure it stays active.

You also got Squall which draws enemies to you. Be careful when playing with others to not randomly drag mobs away from them.

I leave it up to you to head into (intrepid) Instant adventures on level 10 or continue questing.
Our blow dryer here does very well on instant adventures on different level ranges.
Switch 0 Mystic for 0 Preserver. Your raw solo killing potential is not suffering but selfheals will come in handy. Channeling this will push you towards cunning though.

Lvl 18 - Font of Wit

Vulcanist 4/4 Furious Power now gives you the Font of Wit buff, flat 7% crit, no downsides.

Lvl 18-32 - Professional Pizza baker: permission to operate the oven!4/!0m28/Rn1k2

Double down into Vulcanist like here, get Heart of the Volcano and Beacon of the Drake as soon as they are available.

Remove the // from Vorpal Salvo and Stroke of Brilliance in your macros when you have them unlocked
Feel free to get Grasping Earth early if you want!
Beacon of the Drake is a rather powerful aoe effect which you can place&forget.

#Beacon - will summon your beacon at the feet of your target.

#show Beacon of the Drake
cast @gtae Beacon of the Drake
cast Beacon of the Drake

Lvl 32-44 - Fresh air for the oven!4/!0m2aa4/Rn1k2

Back to Dervish we pick up Significant buffs for Lashing Wind.
Shearing Winds may do 10-20% of your damage passively.

Though hitting multiple targets, Molten Wave counts as a single target ability.
MW crits will apply Shearing Winds on enemies hit. Consecutive hits from Mw, Beacon of the Drake etc will procc the Spirit Wind healing.
Note: The damage penalty of MW's ''10% less dmg per target hit (aka -50% on 5 targets)'' applies to the Shearing Winds proccs applied.
Though >1% hp/ second from attacking into its dot is very nice.

Lvl 48 - it takes level 44-48 to get just ONE additional soulpoint.. exciting times.

One last point into Dervish (2/4 Guile of the Wind) to get Shifting Wind- very nice to have.
Ignore a killing blow within the next 10 seconds. Perfect to start questing in Brevane.!4/!0myaa4/Rn1k2

Lvl 48 New world who dis - New continent with a lot better quest rewards is available!

Level 40- 48 is the longest stretch in the game. Instead of grinding level 48-50, you can already jump into brand new zones.
You can enter the Storm Legion continent from level 48 onward. You will get at least 10x the exp from quests and Gear as good as lvl 50 raiding Tiers. This means lvl 50 within minutes. Storm legion even offers two separate lvl 48-60 continents and journeys!
Your capital city (Meridian/ Sanctum) will have an ambassador next to the portal with talk options.
- Business in your city teleports to Tempest bay
- Brevane sends you to cape yule (Best early quests)
- Dusken sends you to Kingdom Pelladane (More core story but more running around)

The early quests are meant to be done with ungeared characters and will deck you out with most gear slots in no time.

Lvl 50 - Planar Attunement - Fundamental story mission

A little sidetrack from questing: Level 50 allows for Planar attunements.
For that, you need to get attuned in the solo- Chronicle 'Ceremony of Attunement'.
You should receive mail as you hit level 50. This solo instance unlocks Planar attunements for you.
Planar attunements are some minor unlocks with separate exp systems.
Get into DEATH first, the Unlock Vampiric Essence in the second Death panel is amazing for anything solo.
After that you may enter War for mount speed and then Water for the water rift group summon.

More info on Attunement levels (PAXP) and tricks with quests and zones:

Lvl 48-60 - Only the best ingredients

Fill up Vulcanist like this. No new mechanics to worry about!!4/ ... RkyEyq4|Q0

We unlock Avatar: Drake so late because it's not terrible- but pretty bad.
Best value is from the ogcd fury it grants: So right as you finish the 3rd Mw tick, you quickly hit Drake+MW to have the followup Mw start with the 175% debuff on targets still running.
MW literally never makes use of the full 175% but in this situation due to the 3rd tick applying it and then running out too quickly.
Drake itself may only be 5% of the damage.

#Drake MW

#show Primal Avatar: Drake
cast Primal Avatar: Drake
cast Molten Wave

Level 61, 63 and 66 will see significant gameplay changes.

Lvl 61-66 - Pizza mafia

Remember Sidekicking.

On level 61 you will notice the Mastery section of your soul tree opening up.

Masteries from Level 61-65:

61 Exhilaration - little passive heals while in combat.

62 Totemic Power - more healing taken from all sources.

63 Vulpine Cunning. THE most important Mastery! Stroke of Brilliance can now be used as every second ability!

VULPINE CUNNING - replace your two macros with this new order.
In melee range you can now alternate SoB and Lashing Wind for guaranteed double Lashing damage.


#show Lashing Wind
cast [notactive] Zephyr
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast @lasttarget Vorpal Salvo
cast Lashing Wind
cast @lasttarget Lashing Wind
cast Forced Apathy
cast @lasttarget Forced Apathy
cast Seismic Smash


#show Molten Wave
cast [notactive] Zephyr
cast Molten Wave
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Lashing Wind
cast @lasttarget Lashing Wind
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast @lasttarget Vorpal Salvo
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Forced Apathy
cast @lasttarget Forced Apathy
cast Seismic Smash

64 Elemental Affinity

65 Ancestral Force - fully heal yourself once a minute or as strong aoe channel

Lvl 66 - Primal Lord - new spec!

We will switch up the spec quite a bit. But don't worry the core gameplay pretty much stays the same!
Feel free to buy a new role- or purchase a soul reset.
Thank me later when your raid - and some pvp specs have you use the very same mechanics and spells which you already got hours of practise with.!2/ ... RkyEy|PLPM

So what's the deal? Primal lord gives a lot better global boni than Dervish with Legendary unlocks.

We will also use completely new macros- fk Dervish, sorry for the runspeed.

#SoB default

#show Stroke of Brilliance
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast Rage Spike
cast Scything Strike
cast Serpent Tooth


#show Molten Wave
cast Molten Wave
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast @lasttarget Vorpal Salvo
cast Rage Spike
cast Scything Strike
cast Serpent Tooth

#Nurture self heals

#show Nurture
cast @self Nurture

#show Ancestral Force
cast @self Ancestral force

Buffs: Vulcanist- Font of Witt

Also on your bar:
Vulcanist- Beacon of the Drake as macro, Grasping Earth, Primal Warp, Lava Lance
Primal Lord- Scything Strike (important), Rage of the Beast, Jungle Rush
Preserver- Nurture
Others- Ancestral Force manually and as macro above

Get Karuulalerts:

It allows for custom alerts on your screen which greatly helps with monitoring your Dance uptimes!
You can install add-ons without restarting the game.
Just /reloadui when done.

Extract the zip folder in your Rift Addons. You can find the addon folder by:
1) Ingame- esc- popp up menu - click Add Ons - click 'open addon directory'
2) Or search for 'addons' in windows
Open Kalert with ..
.. in game, copy the link below as shown.


Karuul Alerts are rather important for Primalist. You will use an ability for a big damage bonus- but sometimes get the bonus without manually using it.
Easily spotting when you get such a random bonus can mean a lot of damage.

Level 66 will also have you get one LEGENDARY POINT per level. Those are used to socket special framed abilities in your soul tree. Each soul has 5 legendary abilities.
Number of legendaries to select is determined by your level and also-
points spent into a soul:
0-7 points = max 1 leggy
8-23 points= max 2 leggies
24-31 points= max 3 leggies
With a 31 spec you can choose 3/5 on the main soul and 1 each on the offsouls.
Or 2 in a 31 soul, 2 in a 8 point of soul and 1 in the 0 point offsoul.

Legendary Distribution for a Leveling Fb PL:
With each level giving a new legendary point to spend, when to unlock what has significant impact:

66 - L. Scything Strike. Using this Ability makes your next ability deal 85% more damage. BIG and the reason for the whole switch on 66
Try to use a Scything Strike before any important ability: Molten Wave, Fury Blast, Beacon of the Drake, Ancestral force for damage.
Scything Strike and L. Scything Strike is your level 70 bread and butter, let's get you two together asap.
So while using it a little bit you may notice a rather large image of scything Strike popping up on your screen. Sometimes (ca. every 6 seconds) you get a Scything bonus without manually using it. This bonus even gives +120% damage for the next attack.
This can happen quite reliably after let's say engaging with SoB. Feel free to popp Beacon of the Drake etc with this procced bonus for extra razzle dazzle.
Know that using Rage of the Beast will delete active boni from Scything Strike- so always go RotB before Scything.

67 - L. Fury Blast. It's been a long time pal. Fury Blast now acts like Molten WAve in terms of being unuseable below 40 Fury. It will also always reset you to 0 cunning.
Unlike the tooltip, it does not 'deal more damage the higher in Fury it gets used' but it will calculate ALOT more of your Attackpower for its damage. So much so that you never want to use it with less than 100 fury.
80 vs 100 Fury can mean as much as a 50% increase.
Use your SoB default. On either 80 or 100 fury, use a manual Scything Strike, then Fury Blast and repeat.

68 - We can switch 0 Preserver for 0 titan and pick up L. Essence Strike. USe it to DEBUFF an enemy for 20 seconds.
It can be applied to multiple targets at once and EVERYONE attacking those targets will heal him/ herself.
Usually you WOULD go for Molten Wave but i do not want to give up on it's aoe by now. Primalist has a hard time finding good backpack aoe utility.

69 - L. Rage of the Beast. Hopefully you got use out of it by now, nothing on it will change but that it provides higher boni.
Reminder: Activating Rotb will remove active Scything Strike buffs so Rotb before Ss

70 - Gz mate. May pick L. Molten Wave and watch it lose its channel and aoe.
Ideally, this is an alt and you don't have to suffer through dailies as a Primalist, hop into raid specs right away.
Your best raid specs will do this exact Rage of the beast- Scything Strike- Fury Blast fun.

Note that this all is a solo approach with the goal to be as simple as possible.

How to Kill things:

(Your 65 Mastery Ancestral Force only has a 1 minute cooldown. You can use it both as powerful aoe channel, hitting the target and +7 over 3 seconds - or target yourself and fully heal yourself at any moment, even in combat!)

On lvl 66 you unlocked Legendary Scything Strike.

Use the #Default SoB button to quickly get fury.

#SoB default

#show Stroke of Brilliance
cast Stroke of Brilliance
cast Vorpal Salvo
cast Rage Spike
cast Scything Strike
cast Serpent Tooth

On 80-100 Fury, Use Legendary Scythign Strike (buffs the next attack by +85%!! which stacks with the Bonus from Rage of the BEast- 21 Primal Lord) and apply Fury Blast on 100 Fury with the Scything Strike bonus.
(Normal Fury Blast does not care about 100 fury but Legendary Fury Blast on lvl 67 does so better get used to it. This 100 Fury, Scything Strike and Fury Blast synnergy will be your #1 interaction on lvl 70.
All of your global cooldown abilities benefit from Rage of the Beast and Scything Strike - even Beacon fo the Drake. But only Beacon of the Drake, Fury Blast, The Ancestral Force 65 Mastery(for dmg ofc) and normal aoe Molten Wave are worth considering a Scything Strike for.

Normal Fury Blast pushes us 40 back to cunning, Legendary Fury Blast (Unlocked at level 67) will reset us to 0 Harmony.

-> When you kill multiple targets, simply keep the 8 second Fury Blast dot up on multiple targets, use Scything Strike infused BEacon fo the Drake, Molten WAves and Ancestral Force as you see fit (huge boni from Rage of the Beast! don't sleep on it)
-> When you kill one target, follow your Fury Blast 8 second dot with a Molten Wave. It needs at least 40 fury and will push you 100 towards cunning. Aim for 100% Fury Blast dot uptime. Try to get back to 100 Fury with the Scything Strike buff ready at last as the Fury Blast dot runs out.

(Legendary molten Wave will turn from a channel to an instant dot but also lose the aoe, which we only do on level 70. However the ''at least 40 Fury and 100 cunning push aswell as it's priority behind Fury Blast will stay the same. We literaly only use it because Fury Blast lasts for 8 seconds and it's the next best thing to do inbetween two Fury Blasts)
Feel free to buff your normal aoe Molten Wave channel with a Scything Strike aswell.

The #SoB default macro is meant to push as quickly towards Fury as possible since both Fury Blast and Molten Wave need it.

Other spells in your spellbook like Thresher's Maw, Bloodletting, Precision Bolt and Conflagrate etcpp will become a thing in other builds but need some more soultree unlocks and rotation changes to become useful. Hawk's Wrath is pretty much never used, Fury Blast is a direct competitor to it and infinitely better.
Conflagrate in aprticular applies a ''5% magical damage taken'' debuff. Cleric Inquisitor and Defiler will overwrite this with it's version of the same debuff while conflagrate pushes you towards Cunning.
Just some examples why you technically own, - but we never deal with them. Feel free to experiment with them but take notice of their tiny damage done.

Level 68: Switch Preserver for 0 Titan and get Legendary Essence Strike. You can now debuff targets and have EVERY attacker heal themselves up to once a second!. You can even debuff a lot of mobs since it has no cooldown or limit. This will come in handy as mobs may start to hit harder.

Level 69: Legendary Rage of the Beast. Literaly the same as before but now grants double the bonus.

When you hit level 70, you may try ''PL Melee Cleave'' for dungeons and tdem (PL Melee 2.0 post on Ghar Forums) and keep this build for your first Vostigar daylies.

Legendary Fury Blast wants 100 Fury for maximum damage. It can easily do half the damage in raid dps builds by itself. So all you have to do now is get used to get fury quick& efficiently while getting Scything Strikes up for Fury Blast.
Only on lvl 70 we even set Molten Wave to Legendary which then turns into another St dot, buffing Fury Blast by another +90%. So you will have two dots requiring Fury and both pushing you effectively 100 towards cunning. Ergo, Name of the 70 game is to get 200 Fury within 8 seconds as efficiently as possible + Scything Strike for Fury Blast.
All the top builds revolve around this. One main focus is how Stroke of Brilliance pushes towards 40 Fury and can be used as every second ability. For maximum Fury/ minute you want to squeeze other things inbetween two Stroke of Brilliance. (Scything Strike followed by Fury Blast may be the only exception)

When you hit level 70, here is your next halt: ... l-70-gear/

If things are too convoluted, unclear or anything feeling off please do just toss in a response here i am happily going over it.
Last edited by Shas_ on Wed May 08, 2024 2:56 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:57 pm

Re: Starting a Primalist & level 1-70

Post by jumpyfrogz »

Hey, first of all I love this guide. now, my primalist is 66, what is the rotation I should be using?
Posts: 79
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:10 am

Re: Starting a Primalist & level 1-70

Post by Shas_ »

jumpyfrogz wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:42 pm Hey, first of all I love this guide. now, my primalist is 66, what is the rotation I should be using?
Oh looks like i forgot to add that part. Thanks. I see Disterr already answered a couple things on Discord, he's a great Primalist player.

I'll add it to the bottom of it!
Can't believe nobody complained yet :D
Last edited by Shas_ on Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:57 pm

Re: Starting a Primalist & level 1-70

Post by jumpyfrogz »

Thank you Shas. Your guides are amazing, to say the least!
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