Guides and Discussion for the Warrior calling
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Post by Redfuryy »


Hello fellow Rift adventurers! An Ascended! In the words of Rift NPCs, live gloriously, die heroically. Lol. Welcome to the Blitz Framework guide. This guide breaks down three of the best warrior DPS builds in the game, all of which use a very similar framework

  • Blitz (61RB /4 WC /11 Tempest) Best solo and most reliable but less dps
  • BlitzIce (61 RB /4 WC /11 Reaver) Best melee/ranged hybrid (best for bos)
  • BlitzLord (61 RB /4 WC /11 Warlord) Best melee only dps (highest dps)
Each build is useful in its own way. The key element of the Blitz Framework is being able to double proc Living Weapon with only 2 points spent in Warchanter, all with nearly one IGCD (internal global cooldown).

CREDITS: Redfuryy, Kenislaw, Nivco, as well as Vueren and Shas for being part of the theory crafting process. For those who wish to repost the guide please give appropriate credits.


Please be aware of the following:
  • Performance Considerations: This build's effectiveness can be influenced by your CPU and server lag. If you're using a low-performance computer or encountering high lag, consider using older warrior builds.
  • Optimization Note: This guide focuses on practical gameplay strategies to help players understand and effectively utilize the build. The rotations presented provide a solid baseline understanding and are designed for ease of use and accessibility. Advanced techniques such as incorporating Fiery Burst, Internal Global Cooldown (IGCD) skipping, or exploits are not included in this guide.
  • Alternative Techniques: While this guide primarily utilizes a 6 IGCD framework for simplicity, there's also a more advanced 7 IGCD method briefly discussed under Advanced Techniques and Tips.
  • Macrowait: The macros in this guide use 0.85 as the preferred macrowait time. However, this value may vary for individual users. Feel free to adjust it accordingly.
  • FAQs

Achieving high DPS output for warriors hinges on the ability to double proc Living Weapon (LW). LW is the buff you can get when your power reaches below 21 with the warrior eternal equipped. Using the macros below, you can double proc LW, making it so you get two procs of LW instead of the intended one. Whenever LW expires, you will want to first cast deep breaths, then use these macros to regain a double procced LW, canceling deep breaths in the process and then begin/continue your rotation. Essentially you will have 100% uptime with LW without requiring any other mechanics. Without using more advanced techniques, you will have 6 normal IGCDs between LW procs. There are two primary macros that excel at this task. The first macro is more stable but works exclusively for the Blitz build.

The second macro is versatile, functioning across all three builds while also enabling Blitz to self-heal more effectively. Its downside is that it can be heavily affected by server lag and computer performance issues.

This guide uses 0.85 as the macrowait time but please be aware this number can be different for individual users. Please feel free to adjust your macrowait time to find your best timing.

#show jolt
macrowait 0.85
//^insert preferred time, 0.85=850ms, varies between users.
cancelbuff deep breaths
cast jolt

BLITZ (with more heals) / BLITZICE / BLITZLORD macro:
#show Stand tall!
macrowait 0.85
//^insert preferred time, 0.85=850ms, varies between users.
cast @self Stand Tall!
macrowait 0.01
cancelbuff deep breaths
//add more cancelbuff deep breaths until 25 lines

blitz png.png

Blitz is the most stable of the three builds, requiring only Jolt and Deep Breaths to proc Living Weapon, but it outputs lower DPS. This build is ideal for situations with high lag or on low-performing computers. Alternatively, you can use the second framework macro to incorporate both Jolt and Stand Tall! for self-healing. With double-procced constant self-heals, this build may be the best solo build in the game. It can nearly heal your entire health bar every few seconds while maintaining high single-target DPS. For soloing monsters, feel free to enhance this build with shields or tanking items. Its resilience and adaptability make Blitz an excellent choice for any warrior looking to conquer challenging content or needing extra heals.


#show Burst Synergy
cast Burst Synergy
cast Rift Burst
cast Rift Strike
cast @focus Rift Strike
cast @lasttarget Rift Strike
cast Shock Pulse
cast Fading Light
cast Break Free

#show Rift Strike
cast Rift Strike
cast @focus Rift Strike
cast @lasttarget Rift Strike
cast Stonespear
cast Frost Strike
cast Shock Pulse
cast Thunder Strike
cast @self Power Manipulation
cast Fading Light
cast Break Free

  • Deep Breaths
  • Power Manipulation
  • Icy Burst
  • Flamespear
  • Blade of the Ascended
  • Avatar of the Rift
  • Avatar of Flame
  • Avatar of Wind
  • Empower
  • Enhanced Conductivity
  • Fiery Burst
  • Rift Spear

Use the double proc framework methods outlined above and then ensure Flamespear remains active on your target, maintain Rift Strike while in melee range, and then consistently use the main macro. At 3 attack points, use burst synergy and then rift burst for your first high priority finisher. This will give you 3 procs of Rift Burst. For any subsequent finishers when RB is down, use Icy Burst. Add power manipulation to your macros or put it on your bar and use it manually. Other methods may involve employing Fiery Burst as a finishing move or utilizing 7 IGCD rotations. However, these techniques are currently beyond the scope of this guide.

Visual Rotation:

Preload>Double proc>Flamespear>Rift Burst macro until 3x attack points>Icy Burst>Main until 2x attack points>Double proc>Flamespear>Icy Burst>Main until 3x attack points>Rift Burst macro until 2x attack points>Double proc>Flamespear>Icy Burst>Main until 3x attack points>Icy Burst>Main until 2x attack points>Start over


BlitzIce reigns as the premier warrior DPS build, offering versatility in both ranged and melee combat, making it the optimal choice for BOS encounters. If you aim to master a single warrior build for DPS, this should be your go-to. This build leverages Soul Sickness to gain an additional 6% DPS bonus on top of Blitz's DPS. The "Ice" in BlitzIce pays homage to Riftblade's older Reaver DPS tech. Combining versatility, power, and a nod to classic strategies, BlitzIce stands as a testament to the evolution of warrior DPS.


Same as Blitz. Only difference is you will add Soul Sickness to your other buttons and replace Shock Pulse with Ravaging Strike.

Other Buttons on Your Bar:
  • Deep Breaths
  • Power Manipulation (even if I don’t mention it in rotation use it)
  • Icy Burst
  • Flamespear
  • Blade of the Ascended
  • Soul Sickness
  • Avatar of the Rift
  • Avatar of Flame
  • Avatar of Wind
  • Binding of Affliction
  • Fiery Burst
  • Rift Spear


The rotation for BlitzIce closely mirrors that of Blitz. The same sequence is followed, with the added step of ensuring that Soul Sickness is applied to your target alongside Flamespear. Similarly, alternative methods for BlitzIce may involve utilizing Fiery Burst as a finishing move or employing 7 IGCD rotations.

Your priority should be Rift Strike>Soul Sickness>Flamespear>Rift Spear>Stone Spear>Frost Strike

This section is still being worked on. We wanted to release this guide so at least people have access to Blitz and Blitzice, Blitzlordwill be released at a later date.


BlitzLord stands as quite possibly one of the highest single-target DPS builds for warriors and possibly in the game, though it excels exclusively in melee range. Historically, Warlord variants have been among the most challenging Riftblade builds to master, possibly featuring the most difficult rotation in the game. Fortunately, BlitzLord is somewhat easier than its predecessors, but it remains a complex build to execute.

This build leverages Backhand, which effectively acts as an additional IGCD move due to its frequent procs. It synergizes with Breaking Blow, Rift Burst, Burst Synergy, double-procced Living Weapon, Icy Burst IGCDs, and 7 IGCD variants to maximize DPS output. However, BlitzLord's reliance on 100% melee uptime makes it less suitable for core BOS raiding. Instead, consider using this build for content like IROTP and TDNM, where its strengths can be fully utilized. For players seeking the ultimate melee DPS challenge, BlitzLord offers an unparalleled experience.


Seven IGCD Framework: You can achieve higher DPS using a 7 IGCD framework. To do this, on your 7th IGCD between LW procs, use only Seasoned Strike due to its low power cost. This ensures that you will have enough power to immediately go into deep breaths. Additionally, ensure that either Fluid Movements is specced into or your raid has power buffs active.

Making Use of Energy Potions: As a byproduct of these specs being no drain any attacks that use power after your eternal uptime is gonna significantly mess up your dps due to having to wait for power, keep a Major Energy Potion on your bar in-case this happens.

Manual Double Proc: For the highly dedicated, manual activation will always be more reliable than relying on macrowait. To execute this, simply remove the macrowait from the DP macros and activate the macro manually when power reaches 21 after Deep Breaths is canceled.

Dire Corruption Into Spin (Blitzice): Cast dire corruption on Azranel
during spin since you’re already not doing any damage, the lingering dot is a gain.

Stand Tall Defi: You can change the Stand Tall! In the macro to put it on the Defi in groups that require it.

  • Time Omnox: Equip and unequip Omnox so it has the right timing upon engagement.
  • Preload Precision Strikes: Use Thunder Strike to activate Precision Strikes, then quickly save and exit the build to keep it active while Ethereal Strike is specced in.
  • Rift Burst Preparation: Ensure at least one full rotation of Rift Burst has occurred before engaging, so your Rift Burst benefits from the 65% DPS boost. In addition, time the second rotation as well to achieve six Rift Bursts in a row.
  • Enhanced Setup Technique: Spec into Energy Reserves, cast Avatar of the Rift and your second preferred Avatar, then respec back into Runner’s Training. Save and exit to benefit from all three.
  • Avatar Buffing: Avatar of the Flame and Blade of the Ascended both benefit from max AP at the time of casting it. Create a setup that maximizes ap at the time of casting them.

DPS Warriors in Rift have historically underperformed compared to other classes. Despite their potential, many warrior builds fell short in terms of DPS output. This challenge motivated us to find a solution. After extensive testing, tweaking, and countless hours of gameplay, we developed the Blitz Framework. The Blitz Framework represents the culmination of our efforts to optimize warrior DPS in a way that can likely outperform many other classes.


Q: Why not use 2 Warchanter for BlitzLord so you will be able to get 13 WarLord?
A: Because you will then not be able to preload Rift Burst.

Q: Why do you add stopcasting and spam cancelbuff deepbreaths 25 times in the blitzframework macros?
A: It helps to improve it's ability to proc and stabilizes the macros

Q: When will you upload BlitzLord?
A: We are still working on it and will hopefully be releasing it soon!


Thank you to everyone for allowing me to be a part of this incredible community and to theorycraft with you over the years. (even the pvpers) Your support and collaboration have been invaluable. I hope you all enjoy these new builds and continue to push the boundaries of this great game. I love you and look forward to hearing from you all!

The blitz framework can be implemented into multiple different specs such as 61 reaver, 61 warlord, and others. These will not be covered in this guide but will be released under a separate one. If you have any questions about those guides please reach out to Nivco@Deepwood or wank__ in-game.
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Re: The Double LW Proc

Post by Vueren »

Hey everyone! Vueren here.

I wanted to give some more information regarding the Double Eternal proc method here, as the creator of this particular method of achieving it. There's many methods, but for this particular post, I'm going to focus on what I consider to be the standard method, and how this newer method compares to it.

First up, some basics!


This is the Warrior Eternal. Essentially, once 20 power is reached (tooltip slightly misleading), you will gain a buff called Living Weapon that gives you functionally infinite power and the ability to do a LOT more damage and healing. This is a flat amount that gets applied to many (but not all) abilities, making it very powerful in many cases.

There are two versions of this buff. One version triggers when Deep Breaths is active. The other version triggers when Deep Breaths is NOT active. When both are active, you will have the damage and healing boost from BOTH versions of Living Weapon.

(Deep Breaths - a buff from Warchanter, a paid soul):

For years, the standard way that Warriors have been achieving both versions of the Eternal simultaneously has been to:
1. Drain your Power down to 20 while Deep Breaths is NOT active
2. Wait until it regenerates up to 100, and then use Deep Breaths to drain 100 Power instantly and achieve the other version of the Living Weapon buff

However, this old method has a few disadvantages:
- Power drain is reliant upon using several abilities, including as many oGCD abilities as possible to make it go as fast as possible, which means these abilities do NOT benefit from the Double Eternal's dps boost
- It's clunky to all hell and back
- You can literally feel your soul draining while you are waiting for the snooze-fest that is draining your power down to 20 or lower

It's not all THAT bad.
- It's still a Double Eternal proc, with all the benefits of having that.
- Several abilities are more-or-less throw-aways anyway in terms of value, so burning power isn't THAT bad. It's just not the best it can be in some cases.
- I'm just hella biased against it. Please keep that in mind.
- This older method KEEPS Deep Breaths active, enabling you to use abilities such as Stand Tall! throughout the rotation and having a 1 second iGCD option available with Seasoned Strike.

So what does this new method do differently?

In short, this new method reverses the steps for achieving both versions simultaneously.
I know, revolutionary! Mind blown! <Rolls eyes>.

But don't discount such simplicity yet!

Let's go through what is happening step by step:
1. Use Deep Breaths to drain your power from 100 to 0 and to achieve the Deep Breaths version of Living Weapon
2. Wait approximately 850-950ms for your Power to reach 20 Power again
3. Cancelbuff Deep Breaths and simultaneously use an oGCD ability that is heavy on Power (e.g. Jolt, Stand Tall, Battlefield Medic) to drop below 20 Power again
4. ???
5. Enjoy the happiness that is having two Living Weapon buffs!

(To ensure that you will use your oGCD burn at the exactly correct time and not a moment sooner, consider setting up the following KAlert):

Why not just use the old method? What are the benefits of this one?
- You can achieve the Double Eternal in only one single GCD - the GCD where Deep Breaths is used
- All of your abilities that you were previously using to drain your power down to 20 can now be used with the benefit of having the damage and healing boost of the Double Eternal
- It is COMPLETELY detached from whatever build you are running, meaning that even builds that suck at burning Power can achieve the Double Eternal. This is not JUST a Riftblade thing.

"Okay, okay, consider me sold!" I hear you say. Now, hold on.

Sadly, this DOES come with some disadvantages of its own:
- The method can ONLY be used when you have 100 Power! If you screw up, you're stuck either doing the Old Method, OR you may use a Major Energy Potion (as RedFury pointed out in the advanced notes section) to give you back your Power. Note that the Potion has a cooldown, so this can only save you every once in a while!
- This method will therefore lock your rotation into 6-7 iGCD's! If you try to use more than that, you will burn your Power, and be unable to use this method again. This means your rotation will consist of 10-second "blocks". During those 10 seconds that you have both Living Weapon buffs active, you must make the most use of all 6-7 of your iGCDs. Several builds are going to *hate* this idea.
- It can be tricky to time the cancelbuff and the power burn simultaneously. Experiment around with the timings!
- This method does NOT have Deep Breaths active, meaning Seasoned Strike is a 1.5 second iGCD ability, and you may not use Stand Tall! throughout your rotation. You CAN use Stand Tall! to proc the Double Eternal, though, so keep that in mind.

Which method you use is up to you.
This new method may be faster, but it locks-in your rotation quite heavily.
Meanwhile, the other method is slower, but it allows your rotation to focus more on placing all of the heavy-hitting abilities during the Double Eternal period, and all of the non-heavy-hitting abilities as part of your power-burning phase.


I hope this helps explain more about the Double Eternal, some of its history, and why I invented this new method. It's different, and that difference does come with advantages of its own. But it's still the same damage/healing boost as the older method. The biggest difference is all in the timings, with other differences coming in the build design and rotation. Different timings, different rotation requirements.

- Vee (Vaerken/Vaelrai@Deepwood)
- (Former) Guild Lead of <A New Journey>@Deepwood
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Post by Shas_ »

Look at them gooo!

Tell nobody that the Bliz was called ''Hildi'' before; after one of Vueren's characters.
I think that this German touch should have stayed.

Second note: The points spent in the 3 builds with 11 Tempest, Reaver and Warlord do not change at all compared to a stock default, dogwater or Blitz method. You can use and shift the methods& timings with them around like a gear lever (if you're ready for the keybinds)- which puts an exponent behind it's possibilities.
And it isn't ''Blizlord'' it's Worldbreaker
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