Shas_ wrote: ↑Mon Sep 30, 2024 1:20 pm
- In my experience, the aoe healing crystal ads quite a lot to your Geyser and Doctrine of Loyalty, just what you want to keep tdem solo heals reliable.
Geyser is considered single target. So if you want bigger spam raid heals in heal tank you use single target crystal
Healing bonuses stack based on convictions used (DoB, DoL) So 4 convictions = 4 eternal weapon bonuses and 4 healing crystal bonuses.
Your eternal is worth 120k healing per DoB/DoL. ST vs AOE crystal is worth 6k + 12k healing for DoB vs DoL.
In dps gear with aoe crystal DoL at 4 convictions heals for ~155k.
With < 50% mana and no healing crystal DoL heals for 36k.
~77% of Doctrine healing comes from eternal/crystal.
Marked by the light and healers blessing are also mostly from eternal/healing crystal bonuses.
Never let mana drop below 50%
In heal tank you have an ogcd mana regen. The -50% healing applies before eternal/crystal bonuses, so it's more like a -10% healing debuff for infinate mana. Just turn it on when getting close to 50% mana and it'll pop you back up.
On another note, hammers which consume 7 convictions are even more dependent on Eternal weapon. Which is why I I get very angry when I see cleric tanks spamming abilities while less than 50% mana.
In heal tank usually using ST crystal (biggest bonus to DoB, Geyser (considered ST), Marked by the Light and Healers Blessing).
In Buff tank, usually using AoE crystal since DoL is the only way to heal raid.
Shas_ wrote: ↑Mon Sep 30, 2024 1:20 pm
Cleri hots are pretty undervalued for Isiel tanking where Warrior overcharges Healing Spray, Faith's Reward from Overflowing Renewal (guaranteed with reduced max hp)