Defiler-Oracle support

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Defiler-Oracle support

Post by Shas_ »

Defiler- Oracle. All you need to know.
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(context: Brother, may i have some Lööps -meme. Your action bar will look like a bowl of Frooty Loops)

37 Oracle for 1sec gcd and 24 Defiler for Miserly Affliction is the basis.
With seemingly infinite custom versions to fine tune around, i want to give you THE best version, combining the most flexibility, reliability, performance and highest simplicity into one: Defi Heal Tank.
Additionally i will give examples for the most popular representants for dps/ heal focused customization which can serve as a basis for more custom point distributions from there on out.
Please do feel free to fine tune single points for utility as you see fit! The core unlocks will be marked.

Defiler basics:
Legendary Miserly Affliction is a dot that gains more ticks the more RAGE effects are on the target. Those RAGE effects are 3 special dots with long uptime:
Rage Extraction (red), Furious Infestation(yellow) and Siphon Vitality(pink with teeth) on the target lets Misery Affliction damage with 3 ticks at once every 3 seconds.
Miserly Affliction also ticks when manually using it (refreshing). So instead of every 3 seconds, you can make it tick 4 times every second by 'spamming' it.

Oracle basics:
Your Support can be completely handled by Wasting Insignia (or Glacial Insignia).
Using ANY insignia will have you apply your 3 'Inspirations' for 20 seconds.
Activating any Inspiration will grant 'Vital Inspiration', giving everyone +5% to their stats for 20 seconds. <- THIS is your main buff.
Simply use Wasting/ Glacial Insignia every <19 seconds and that's (almost) all your support buffs covered.
An Inquisitor dps can apply a unique "5% magic damage taken" (Clinging Spirits). Without an Inqui, you will want to use Marrow Harvest with 2/2 Tenebrious Distortion (3rd row in Defiler) every 30 seconds!
40 Oracle (default with the best builds) also comes with a 5% cost reduce "Marshaled Favor', which esp Rogues love.
But that's really all of the expected buffs to keep active by you.

General Boni/ Tricks:

Damage by Greed effects grant you up to 5 stacks of Greed. (Miserly Affliction, Greed's Corruption). 5 stacks can be consumed by Aggressive Avarice for a damage bomb. AA gets 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 40% more damage based on stacks consumed.

Damage by Rage effects grants you up to 5 stacks of Rage. (Rage Extraction, Furious Infestation, Siphon Vitality) When on 32+ points Defiler (Frootyloops) they can be consumed for Explosive Rage - the stronger Rage equivalent to Aggressive Avarice with an extreme +250% damage bonus on 5 stacks consumed.

Using Marrow Harvest (Defi) will debuff the target with Tenebrious Distortion (if unlocked) for 30 seconds. this debuff increases ALL magical damage taken by 5% and can only be provided by a Defiler, Inquisitor, Cabbalist or Vulcanist.

Miserly Affliction for damage:
Generally you can 'spam' Miserly Affliction as absolute baseline as long as the 3 rage dots are active.
If you need to use other abilities, try to use two non Misery Spells inbetween. MA - dot1 - dot2 -MA. That way you have the manual Misery tick together with the base dot timing. If, for example, you have 5 greed stacks for AA but no dot to refresh, use AA and Glacial Insignia/Emblem of Ice to have those two non-MA spells inbetween MA.
So your dot naturally ticks after 3 seconds and you are using it manually, making them tick all at once for the best Miserly tick vs Miserly gcd use value.
MA spammed: 4 per 1 sec -> Ideal. It multi ticks every second. Fast intervalls.
MA - X - MA as every second spell: 4 per 2 sec -> TERRIBLE. Just waiting 1 more sec gives you 3 free ticks! Only acceptable if only spam-healing matters in that moment.
MA as every 3rd spell: 7 per 3 sec -> For damage consistency when refreshing things, using AA/Explosive, cleansing etc. It stacks your natural tick with the forced refresh every 3 seconds. Slow intervalls but by far the highest amout of Miserly ticks/ Miserly gcd used.
Keep this dynamic around around Miserly ticks in mind when there is need for more vs less healing.
Tldr: If you need to use anything but Miswrly, use a second spell with it to make it a 2 or 4 gcd gap. Avoid using only one filler inbetween two Miserly (unless you need a forced heal tick asap)

Curse of Consumption (Oracle, Purpil Skull):
The enemy (and with unlocks enemies around the target) take 7% more nonphysical damage.
Archons provide the same debuff while theris last for 5 minutes.
Yours lasts for 30 seconds, is aoe and can override the Archon version. Only use it on fast dieing targets/ groups (DRR stages) where you can actually support nonphysical aoe and not danger to sabotage an Archon.
(There is also a physical curse but just keep it simple here, aoe is 99% nonphys)

Justicar Salvation
Heals yourself on direct abilities/ first use.
Each Misery Affliction tick creates a separate Salvation (up to 4 at once).
L. MA and normal Ma act together here.
Misery Affliction's passive dot effect will only procc Salvation from the (up to 3) legendary bonus ticks but not the base MA dot
-> With 3 rage dots up, a passive dot proccs 3 sets, forcing ticks will procc 4 sets.

Each set contains: 1 guaranteed tick on yourself, one guaranteed tick on Rightous Mandate(when used), one freely distributed tick per point into Reparation.
With 4 into Reparation, a full manual Affliction proccs 20 ticks of Salvation; 4 onto yourself and 16 which will prioritize the most endangered ally (seeker mechanic).
MA spam, no rage effects: One set per use
MA dot no rage effects: NO proccs!
MA spam 3 rage effects: 4 Sets
MA dot 3 rage effects: 3 Sets

Healing from off targets Salvation (Advanced).
You can easily prepare Misery Affliction and whatever number of Rage effects onto additional targets and supercharge your Misery ticks/ sec. This of course takes damage off the main target and requires some setup time but can get you CRAZY tick rates for raw healing power.
Salvation has a base range of 40! This is more than almost all other heals. Picture main tanking + heal-carrying tdnm Tarjula by healing off the active souls nearby.
Note: Ypu have to comit to your off target! Base Misery will not heal by itself! Rather prep an off target with all 3 rage effects (3 ticks per 3 sec) than 2 targets with one rage effect each 1x2 tick per 3 sec for the same 4 gcds). Using one rage effect on more targets (Tarjula Souls) ofcourse tightens down the overall tick rates onto allies and reduces healing gaps as a trade for less raw Salvations.
Just spreading Misery Affliction alone with no Rage dot will NOT heal!

Curse of Consumption/ Frailty.
Oracles used to apply Curse of Consumption for Vindicator adds but this is outdated. There is no aoe trash fight in the game where you, manually Cursing packs, is worth it, as long as an Archon has his stuff on the priority target. St burn the focus targets.

Those are your absolute baseline mechanics for every Defiler- Oracle.
Note that there are several separate abilities you can't really use via 'auto macros'. Better get used to the 'piano' setup.
Luckily, Rage dots last for 24-30 seconds each and are bad enough to nust be applied whenever, without any care to properly buff them. 95% of their value comes from enabling Miserly (and to an extend Greed & rage stacks)

Defi -Heal -Tank (#Defihealer)

Do-it-all Oracle-aoe heal-offtank-purge-cleanser at 750k-1.1m dps Throw in ~5% of the team's dps from your buffs. Unmatched value!

This particular version is a natural development after trading wasted overhealing for more damage and useability.
(Heals will be 'just right' for any 10 man) while creating the ideal Support-dps-heal-tank balance.
You do not have fancy heal cds to save 9 people with a death wish. Instead, you can do 6 jobs at once which would otherwise need 6 special builds.
(Tank, Cleanse, Purge, Heal, Bard buff, 1mil dps check)

Why Dht: Unique buffs and a far better deal than the Bard alternatives.
When Dht: Decent aoe heals + off tanking potential with good dps.
When not Dht: When need to heal A LOT of chaos while being rather new yourself because you have no easy "oh sh*t" buttons. Dht already does 5+ jobs in one but is not meant to babysit anyone with a deathwish.
(Though, there are still ways)
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-> Prioritize the 15% run speed buff Favor of the Current, unless someone specifically asks for the cost reduce. (Marshaled Favor. The runspeed can be provided by Archon and Pseudo but the cost reduce is unique). Have both ready.
(Defensive Favor is garbage)

Special unlocks and the reasoning:

- 26 Defiler for Bond of Pain. Lets you apply ALL Rage dots at once every minute, lining up with the Fury cooldowns. Great to start tanking/ healing with no delays. Bond of Pain will NOT snapshot buffs for your rage dots. Throw it down early like a rug but don't waste buffed burst gcds on it.
Husk of Indifference/ Cardinal. Using Greed attacks costs you some of your health. Husk now 100% proccs on Greed abilities (Miserly Affliction), absorbing more damage than the spell cost you + absorbs against all incoming damage.
-> Husk can be used manually. Let's say you used Link of Misery, transferring 70% of someone's damage taken onto you. Husk provides some 'spamable' active self- absorption for emergencies.
41 Oracle for Battle Fury. Activating it gives your attacks a 38% damage bonus for 21 seconds (20% Ice+ 3x6% Devouring). It also makes all casts instant for 20 seconds, allowing you to use 0 point AA as filler.
9 Justicar for Salvation to affect allies. Provoke as taunt.
You also have a Purge with 'Jealous Intervention' (Defi) and an aoe cleanse with 'Cleansing Chant'(Oracle).
Your 65 Mastery Divine Favor has a complex tooltip but allies simply take +30% healing from you for 30 sec at a 1 minute cd.



#show Furious Might
cast Battle Fury
cast Furious Might
cast Miserly Affliction

#Cleanse (Cleansing Chant places a cleansing aoe on your allied target- we want it centered on yourself to be reliable)

#show Cleansing Chant
cast @self Cleansing Chant

Example pull: Insignia of Blood hard cast or Wasting Insignia - Bond of Pain - #Burner macro for Misery Affliction until 5 stacks of greed AA - AA - MA - repeat.

(Use Bond of Pain before your cds)

And that's it!

You basically keep your support buffs running with any Insignia.
Have 3 rage dots present.
"Spam Miserly".
And then have a prio filler as a reason to interrupt Miserly spam. (Cleanse, AA, Marrow Harvest, Insignia, dot refresh). Each interruption then wants a secondary filler which is just there to delay for +1 gcd and is used by demand. (Another dot or buff refresh or an Emblem of Ice for the main AA)

Use Greed's Corruption whenever. See it as a 60% chance to get a greed stack per tick for potentially more AA/ minute and nothing more.

Use Aggressive Avarice when on 5x Greed (can stack up quick). Use Wasting Insignia (Or Glacial Insignia if you want to unlock it) at least every 19 seconds.
Fall back to Miserly Affliction as default attack which you just 'interrupt pressing' to use something else and throw in a second spell because interrupting Miserly spam for just an uneven number of gcds is a fat dps loss.
Use the 65 mastery Divine Favor when you see fit.

This package is able to off tank on 800k+ dps and 1m+ hps.

Azranel MT/OT. Vindicator OT. TITANX Heal/purge.
ITROP 1-3 MT, 4 OT.
TDNM 1 heal, 2MT, 3OT, 4MT.

When main tanking, use Provoke ca. 8-9 seconds into the fight. A lot of dps experience their dps maximum at the 10-12th second. Forcing the attention onto you at that moment helps a lot.

Bond of Pain lets you make good use of your Omnox Trinket, however i like to just run the 75k hp from the Berserker Trinket by default unless communicated differently.
Feel free to equip your 1h+shield when planning to act as proper off tank.
The SP loss from a shield is more than made up by your gained tanking potential.
It's mainly the lack of personal defensive cd's that holds it back from Main tanking more. Husk of Indifference is kind of the best so yikes.

Do not underestimate the level of customization possible with Defi-Oracle.
For example you could use the Defiler Beacon as our personal off tank! Tricky to pull off BUT IT CAN TANK itrop Arakhurn and ignore the stacks. The potential for shenanigans like this are there to explore!

Happy carrying.


Maximum dps focus at 1 - 1.4mil dps, Metachon/ Pseudo style.

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Same deal, same Oracle-Defiler but we remove all healing for better damage.
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-> Prioritize the 15% run speed buff Favor of the Current unless someone specifically asks for the cost reduce. (Marshaled Favor)
(Defensive Favor is garbage)

Only gameplay differences now are:

We use Fervent Strike once every minute for a ~ 30% buff.
We may now use Explosive Rage when on 5 stacks of Rage. Explosive Rage can crit 3million+.

Example pull: Emblem of Ice - Fervent Strike - Bond of Pain - #Burner until Miserly Affliction - Rage Extraction - Greed's Corruption - Miserly Affliction - spam Miserly until any filler raises in priority.

Treat Explosive Rage as a better extra AA.

And that's it. Use Glacial Insignia as default buff- refresher. Though Battle Fury takes away it's cooldown for 20 seconds, it's stock 15 second cooldown can be a great help keeping the buff timings up.

-> Bond of Pain applies a NORMAl Rage Extraction which means you can use a Legendary Rage Extraction and have it stack. It still only counts as one Rage effect for Miserly Affliction but you now have two separately ticking Rage Extractions for faster gains on the Rage ressource for Explosive Rage (your hardest hit)
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(This ofc ourse also works for the normal DHT for some damage and the L.RE passive boni. But i found the heals from L.AA more reliable for off tanking since heals generate threat)

#Greed's Call - Use it after a normal Aggressive Avarice to get two Avarice in a row.
CAREFUL! Greed's Call costs a lot of hp and can even crit! Not recommended when tanking!

#show Greed's Call
cast Greed's Call
cast Aggressive Avarice

Optional: Defi-heal-tank with RIGHTEOUS MANDATE.
Closer to Sepelio's original but mostly obsolete now.
Can still Off tank and is meant to have the maximum boni for Salvation. Very rare use cases though.
Unnecessary overheals and way less damage.
This is is a placebo. It's not better at keeping people alive than the first listed Defi-Heal-Tank. Salvation already has a 40 meter seeker mechanic. Mandate adds one extra set of Salvation but due to not adding any different intervalls of your healing chunks, stacking more Salvation is not adding much effective healing gains.
The real gain comes from L Wasting Insignia's +20% healing done which is already outperformed by L IoB's offset bonus ticks.
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-> Prioritize the 15% run speed buff Favor of the Current.
(Defensive Favor is garbage)

We drop both Battle Fury to affect 2 more people per healing Chunk and get the +20% healing done by Wasting Insignia.

Same gameplay as the normal Defi-heal-tank. You can apply Righteous Mandate on one ally to guarantee him getting the maximum Salvation ticks when procing it. (4-7x by 1x Miserly Affliction)

It trades a good chunk of damage for more wasted overhealing but has a slightly easier time healing when everyone actively seeks to take damage.

Example pull: (Marrow Harvest) Wasting Insignia - Miserly Affliction - Furious might + Rage Extraction - Furious Infestation - Miserly Affliction - Syphoon Vitality - Greed's Corruption - Miserly Affliction
(This is why Bond of Pain is better)

Miserly Affliction as default ability 80% of the time.
Don't worry about the ''2 abilities inbetween Miserly'' when heals are crucial- more frequent Miserly use in a 1:0:1 pattern is better then having too big of a healing gap.

Use Aggressive Avarice when fancy but focus on refreshing your Rage dots early so you can 'spam' multiple MA without worrying them to fall off.
Miserly Affliction 'spam' = your healing so make sure you have your 3 Rage dots running for it.
NOTE: Wasting Insignia now also buffs your healing by 20%. Simply use Wasting Insignia to refresh your Oracle Buffs so you don't even have to worry about it's uptime.

//Edit: Don't ask me why Ravanidl posted another Mandate Defi here. Let's just say i disaggree with reposting the same build but worse.

Kalets: I do not swich kalert sets so this is my general cleric set. Should do just fine as your 'Defiler sub set'.


Credits to: Sepelio (Daddy of the Defi-support), Hungrymadame (Pioneer on extreme tanking jobs), Mastiff&Killerloose (Limit testing), Disterr (Useability)

Please do point out mistakes, experiences and ideas!
Last edited by Shas_ on Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:34 pm, edited 32 times in total.
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Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:52 pm

Re: Comprehensive Defiler-Oracle support

Post by Ravandil »

Defi Heals

Legendaries: Miserly Affliction, Rage Extraction, Salvation, Wasting Insignia, Insignia of Blood

Abilities to put on teh bar:

Miserly affliction
wasting(dont bother if you plan on using glacial)
furious infestation
rage extraction
siphon vitality
marrow harvest
cleansing chant
All inspirations
both boons
both curses(for when there are times for multiple mobs)
Run speed
cost reduction(will be used at all times unless you have a 61 chon in raid which will be rare)
righteous mandate

If you cant manage hitting wasting insignia every 15 seconds then take a point from icy Vigor(endurance increase in oracle tree) for glacial insignia so you can macro it with miserly affliction. Also, DO NOT macro marrow harvest as it will lower your healing. Only reason to use it is at the start of the fight or if you do not have an inquis in the raid. if you do not have an inquis you only need to hit it once every 25-29 seconds to keep the 5% magic debuff up.

simple rotation for this: keep rage buffs up(siphon, rage, furious) and spam miserly for max heals. you do not need to use any other ability while playing defi heals as it will eat into your healing. just remember the more miserly casts you do the more healing you do and every rage effect up will make miserly hit 3 times which procs salvation 3 times.
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